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After a decade of introduction and development, the sector, due to its overwhelming expansion, (over 7,000 B&B throughout the country) needed standardized rules and goals in order to ensure high standards for tourists and the setting up of a professional network.
Therefore, in 2006 the Italian Bed and Breakfast Federation was founded within Confindustria / Federturismo system. The Federation unites over 2,000 B&B throughout the country represented by the principal professional B&B's networks. Within this context, Bed and Breakfasts are an increasingly popular alternative for those wanting to get to know the 'real Italy' where welcoming hosts offer visitors an insight into the world of Italian homes, people, customs and traditions. The 'B&B Quality Label' has been designed to give recognizable approval standards and award the best Italian B&B's for offering tourists excellent quality services in keeping with the highest European standards.