Ward Off The Dreaded Jet Lag Sickness

By: Peter Wilson

Jet lag affects all travelers in varying degrees. Some people are more prone to its harsh effects than others. Classic signs of jet lag include disorientation, mental fuzziness, fatigue, broken sleep, and dehydration. These symptoms of jet lag can put a stop to the pleasantries of your vacation, and will sometimes not disappear for days. For every hour in time difference that your flight crosses, expect a full day of recovery from the change. Jet lag can disturb even the best-laid plans. However, by keeping a few simple rules in mind, you can decrease the symptoms of jet lag and make sure that your next trip is enjoyable.

Before you travel, make sure that you keep your stressors at a minimum. Stress can compound jet lag, especially since you can expect to feel a little disoriented once you reach your destination. Make sure all the details of your arrival are taken care of as much as possible in advance. When you fly, try not to be hungover or exhausted. These will only make your jet lag worse and harder to conquer. It's important to be in top shape starting out. Drink plenty of water and exercise before the flight. Try not to fly when you are feeling ill. Jet lag can compromise your immune system and make it harder for you to get better. The last thing you want is to be sick on your business trip or holiday.

Drinking lots of water is key to avoiding jet lag. Not only can being dehydrated lead to air sickness, but it can also make your jet lag worse once you are on the ground. You can buy plenty of water once you are in the airport terminal. Also, take advantage of the free beverage cart when it comes down the plane aisle. Try to avoid drinking and eating things that will cause your body to retain water or to become more dehydrated. Salty foods, coffee, and alcohol will all complicate your body's natural water defenses. Staying dehydrated for long periods of time can lead to fainting, confusion, dizziness, and nausea. If it keeps up, your body will suffer the same effects as heat exhaustion and you could potentially slip into a coma or die. It is essential that you force yourself to drink water on your flight and once you arrive in your destination, even if you do not feel thirsty.

You can make air travel easier by bringing along a sleep aid or another medication prescribed by your doctor. Many people suffer from stress and anxiety on long flights, and it can help to talk to your doctor about your medical options. Lastly, don't be afraid to exercise on the flight itself. There are plenty of seat and aisle exercises that you can take advantage of while the seatbelt sign is off. Just be sure not to disturb your fellow passengers. Try doing stretches in the aisle. You can lift your carry-on luggage or do lunges. Practically any movement will suffice to get your blood flowing.

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