Las Vegas high rise condos owners are using smart technology to aid in common house functions. More and more, you'll be able to control your home via the internet or phone. Las Vegas home owners will even be able to control their home with voice recognition technology from their car.
Las Vegas High Rise Real Estate over the Internet
An always-on broadband internet connection is generally required in order to be able to access these advance condo controls. Each user may have their own secure web page which they will access in order to control all aspects of their home controls, like lighting, thermostat, surveillance and security.
Las Vegas Real Estate Condo Rental Control
Another interesting manner that Las Vegas condominium owners can benefit from this technology is by being able to use surveillance on empty rentals, to be sure that there are no squatters in the home, and of course prevent or even catch thieves. In addition, Realtors or
Las Vegas high rise condos owners are able to remotely show the home to prospective real estate buyers or renters, without having to drive to the property.
Smart Front Doors for Las Vegas Condos
Imagine being able to know whenever there is someone at your front door, the image being captured and being able to see this info in real time as well. Wouldn't it be nice to see who your teenager's friends are, while you are at work at 2:00 pm. Ok, we're not going to peer into their bedroom, that's taking this a bit too far, but being able to see the faces of people approaching your front door seems like a good practice to me.
Granted some of the proposed uses are "out there" or not really too necessary for Las Vegas high rise condo owners... Do we really need to have our mobile or TV let us know when our internet-enabled washing machine has finished a load? I don't think so, personally. That's one home condo convenience that I can perform from within earshot... remember those old-fashioned things called a buzzer?