Inject your Rig with Venom and Get Ready to Ride the Snake

By: David S. Brooks
What good is an engine if it doesn’t get the fuel it needs? You can pump all the air in, let all the exhaust flow out, even change timing and fuel maps, but none of this does diddly-squat if your engine is thirsting for fuel. That’s why I’m a huge proponent of performance fuel injectors. And, who am I you ask? I’m Snake-Bite; king of the Highland Avenue midnight drags here in Charleston.

They call me Snake-Bite because I strike fast right off the line. My SHO Taurus has been tuned inside and out and may be the fastest car in the city. That’s right, a Taurus SHO with a V6. Take my word for it, you come a callin’ and you’re gonna get bit. Just ask that punk who rolled up from the ATL and got sent home crying. You see here on Highland, we race for pinks—you know—ownership papers. Thanks to that whiney Georgia boy, I’m the new owner of a cherry ’69 Chevelle.

The other reason they call me Snake-Bite is my passion for Venom brand fuel injectors. These babies deliver all the fuel the old SHO can handle. After I installed the requisite trifecta of chip, intake and exhaust, I knew there had to be more power behind that blue oval. My boy Johnny Neptune, the owner of Neptune’s Guns and Liquor turned me on to performance injectors. We were out in Endicott’s cornfield blasting whisky bottles with Johnny’s Desert Eagle when I told him I needed more power for the SHO. Johnny turned, fixed his blurry eye on me—the good one—and in a grumbled whisper he scratched, “You ready to ride the snake?"

Ready I was. There’s no way I was gonna let my reign over Highland Avenue slip away, so I was prepared to do whatever Johnny said. I got online and ordered a set of Venom Super Flow Fuel Injectors. Venom claims a 10% increase in flow over the stockers and I believe it. They cost about 250 smackers for the set of 6 and were worth every penny. Johnny came by with a twelver and we swapped the injectors out in about 2 hours. When I fired the SHO up, I could tell right away I was in for one wild ride.

I am so pleased with these injectors that I became a self appointed spokesperson for Venom. My Snake-Bite nickname took on a whole new meaning and I still reign as king of Highland. Now, every fool who creeps into my snake pit ends up losing their rig. I’m building up quite a stable of rides out behind the barn. I frame the pink slips and hang ‘em in my bathroom for inspiration.

The only problem now is that the word is out on old Snake-Bite and his venomous SHO. Nobody dares step up, lest they get bit right in the jugular. So me and Johnny are able to spend more time blasting bottles with the Desert Eagle and getting sloshed on Yukon Jack. And, thanks to Venom, I’m still the king of Highland.


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