Acupressure to Stop Smoking

By: scubaman
Acupressure is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of many illnesses and disorders. By putting pressure on certain points throughout the body, corresponding to the meridians or energy centers as understood by ancient Chinese medicine, energy blockages are removed, allowing the body to function in optimal health.

This approach may prove beneficial to smoking cessation in a number of ways. By strengthening the body's natural processes acupressure may help flush out toxins, thereby alleviating the discomfort of withdrawal from nicotine or other harmful substances. It promotes relaxation, which addresses any underlying stress that could be contributing to your smoking habit. There are also specific points which are thought to correspond to the suppression of compulsive appetites, such as overeating or smoking.

Several such points are located in the ear, and therefore require a more specialized treatment approach than other more easily accessed points on the body. For this reason, as when dealing with any serious health condition, it is best to consult with a professional practitioner. Treatment generally does not take long before results are noticeable, and the lack of side effects is a popular feature of this type of smoking cessation method.

Acupressure has been found to show rapid, lasting and impressive results, particularly in helping people get through the difficult nicotine withdrawal stage with fewer unpleasant side effects than usual. In some cases treatment has even resulted in making cigarettes taste unpleasant, making the process of quitting easier. It has been used successfully where other methods have failed.

With the many different forms of smoking cessation available, acupressure may not be the one that first comes to mind. However, the results show that it should be an option you keep in mind, particularly if you have tried other methods with little success. Stimulating the body's own natural healing processes, and providing relief from the unpleasant sensations typically experienced during an attempt to quit smoking, make acupressure a viable alternative for many.

Explore your options in stop smoking methods and products before choosing the strategy with the best chance of working for you. Remember, your desire to change is key, so start by becoming very clear about your goals, your reasons for quitting, and the tools you will use along the way. A well designed plan is your best chance for success, and is worth spending some time and thought developing in order to be prepared for the obstacles and challenges you will likely encounter. With the right amount of organization and support, you are off to a great start and can begin looking forward to reaching those all-important milestones, one hour, one day, one week at a time. Start taking steps towards better health today - you and your loved ones deserve it.
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