Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2 - Release Your Past

By: tamiclose
First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. I owe everything I have created to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light for you to know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will be uncovering. You will then be able to make new choices in your quest for weight loss and be putting daily plans for yourself in place. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results!

Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit. Remember that everything is made up of energy. Your thoughts are pure energy. Whatever you put out, is what you will get back. The Law of Attraction is set up and will manifest those things in your life which you attract with your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will be your greatest challenge. It was for me and it took daily effort to do so. When you look at your life currently, what have you attracted with your thoughts? If you're overweight, then what do you believe about yourself? If you believed that you could actually lose weight, these thoughts would have been released into the Universe to produce a completely different response.

I mentioned previously Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life, and in it she talks about how anger is the core issue of weight issues. My father died when I was fourteen, and there's an entire story behind that one in my e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Overcoming Illness. Thus, I carried anger at not feeling loved and having the childhood I believed I deserved.

Okay, ready to release that anger. As an integrative body therapist, I work with clients face-to-face or over the telephone to help release their pain using Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Energy is energy and can be utilized all over the world. We're on this journey together being supported by God. It is similar to prayer energy-the person doesn't have to be right there in order to see that prayer works.

What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)? It's a technology which was developed to help release pain and trauma so that a person can experience love and joy on a deeper level. It stimulates the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep cycle, a natural release process. Your eyes flutter when you are in REM sleep similar to watching a baby sleep and this is where the release process takes place. How many of you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night remembering that you were supposed to do something? This is your brain at work for you while you sleep.

Well, in RET, you're awake and you're processing and releasing your stuff. There's also guided imagery, charka clearing, affirmations and life skills which are part of this process as well. RET is great for balancing left and right brains because the left brain has to know why whereas the right brain sees the positive/spiritual aspect of the world. In addition, we'll be using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The premise of this technique is that when one experiences a negative emotion like anger, there is a disruption in the body's energy system resulting in various symptoms. EFT is similar to acupuncture without the needles.

When I work with clients, we go through three to twelve sessions. Depending upon the amount of stuff one is carrying will determine how long the duration of the sessions so just keep this in mind. The results are absolutely amazing as the person feels lighter after releasing.

We're an awesome team! I appreciate you and know that you're an amazing child of God, whole and complete just as He made you!

What would it feel like to be completely FREE from your past? What would it feel like not to experience any depression, anxiety or any other ailment? We all have the freedom to create what we want; we just need to remember that we can.
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