Isn't it funny how society in general believes that by eating healthy we must have to eat uninteresting and tasteless food. How wrong it is to believe this. However, I do think this fact is changing but not quickly enough. If we could just rewind a little to way back before fast food eateries and remember what it was like for most people we would see that back then people did eat healthy and enjoyed what they ate. Often you would grow your own vegetables and fruit. People made their own jellies, sauces and chutneys. No preservatives and no additives.
But as times changed and homes were built on smaller blocks cutting out veggie patches, people working longer hours, more convenience shopping close at hand and of course fast food eateries popping up everywhere we have become lazy! It is easier to stop for some food rather than make something at home. Who wants to spend their time tending a vegetable garden when they can just go to the local store and buy what they want? Having both parents working instead of having mum at home cooking nutritious meals and snacks our kids are stopping off and buying fast food. This same food that they have been seeing advertised so often on that dreaded television set that they sit in front of for hours.
With all the obesity, heart disease, diabetes and stokes that are quickly becoming a fact of life I think it is time for people to really sit up and take note that often all they have to do is exercise regularly and start eating healthy! To do this they need to think about what they are eating now compared to what they should be eating. First they need to cut down on sugary drinks such as cola. They need to drink more water and eat fresh fruit and vegetables along with lean red meat, skinless chicken, fish, lean pork and stop deep frying!
You must remember to eat breakfast lunch and dinner with fruit, yogurt, vegetables or seeds for snacks. Eat smaller portions and make sure you have plenty of fiber in your diet as well. This really is not hard to do. And when you do start eating healthy you will notice that not only will you start to look and feel better but also your food will look more interesting to eat compared to burgers and fries. These have no color or texture that is appealing. You just have to look at a plate of vegetables and you are awed by the wow factor of color.
Of course, by all means do have a treat once in awhile and if that includes a hamburger, fries, a soda or some chocolate then so be it but do it only in moderation. I know that I am a big fan of potato chips but I do have them in moderation whilst I eat healthily the rest of the time. Once you are in a routine of eating the right things and exercising regularly then you can afford to have these treats occasionally. |