Some Facts About Hemorrhoids

By: teahupoo
If you live long enough you will most likely experience the discomfort of hemorrhoids. There are two common types of hemorrhoid, external and internal. External hemorrhoids are those occurring outside the distal end of the anal canal and are sometimes painful and accompanied by swelling and itching. Internal hemorrhoids are those that occur inside the rectum and since this area does not have pain receptors these types of hemorrhoids are rarely painful and usually people don't even know they have them. This type of hemorrhoid is more prone to bleeding however and can lead to more severe forms of hemorrhoid called prolapsed and strangulated.

Hemorrhoids are extremely common and it is estimated that 50% of all Americans have this problem by the age of 50 although only a small number seek treatment. Only around 500,000 people are treated for hemorrhoids annually with as many as 20% needing surgery.

So what causes hemorrhoids? One of the main causes is genetics. Many people have a genetically inherited weaker rectal vein wall while other causes can be from straining during bowel movements as well as poor muscle tone. Other factors that contribute are constipation, chronic diarrhea, sitting too long (on the toilet), and pregnancy, holding in bowel movements, and not eating enough fiber. Other issues that can help cause the condition are not drinking enough water and drinking too many diuretic fluids such as coffee or colas. Another dietary habit that can cause the affliction is excessive consumption of dairy products which can result in excessive lactic acid in the stool causing irritation.

Hemorrhoids can be prevented with dietary adjustments such as drinking more fluids and eating more fiber as well as by participating in regular exercise, practicing better posture, and reducing strain during bowel movements. Since tight clothing can also cause irritation and contribute to poor muscle tone in the area some report that wearing no underwear or at least loose and lightweight underwear can help.

Some natural treatments include exercising to increase muscle tone and improve posture. Taking herbs and supplements that strengthen the vein walls and eating fiber rich supplements such as plantain and psyllium will also help to remedy the situation.

There are a few treatments on the market. For temporary relief one may use a sitz bath, suppositories or a topical analgesic.
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