Nutrients That Aid In Heavy Metal Detox

By: skleong
You ingest heavy metals into your body through drinking polluted water, dental filings, breathing contaminated air or even eating foods that may be exposed to dangerous heavy metals. They are harmful because they can adversely affect your brain functions and reduce your mental clarity. Examples of these metals include mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic and cadium.

Chelating agents are used in a heavy metal detox to get rid of these unwanted metals. These agents create a chemical bond with these metals to make them less active and combine with the bloodstream. Heavy metal detox happens when you successfully excrete them through your kidneys and liver.

You will need the assistance of a naturopathic doctor for a heavy metal detox. On a daily basis, you can also obtain some natural chelating agents from food sources. Or you can also buy them in supplement form from your local health store. Here are some examples of chelating agents that come from natural food or in the form of supplements:

* Milk Thistle is also known as silymarin. It helps your liver detoxify and in the process, eliminate heavy metals. Milk thistle also protects the membranes of red blood cells.

* Chlorella is a mild chelator. Chlorella has a 3-layered cell wall that contains cellulose microfibrils, which aids in heavy metal detox. Green algae contains cholorella. You can obtain this all important nutrient in the form of a drink from juice bars or simply make one yourself.

* Methionine is a natural occurring chelating agent that supplies sulfur in the body. It helps in heavy metal detox by increasing the production cysteine and lecithin for the liver and for good kidney health.

* N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) increases cysteine and glutathaione production. It is also a source for sulfur. Fresh garlic is a common source of NAC. If you find it hard to eat garlic because of the pungent smell, there are also garlic supplements that you can buy.

*Mega H increases the conductivity of the water in your body and lowers the surface tension of cell fluids. These functions help in the easy removal of toxins from your body.

* Vitamin B6 is advised if you have undergone dental procedures or has dental fillings. It prevents the contamination of heavy metals in the body.

* Magnesium is important for the proper functioning of your immune system and body enzymes. Great sources of magnesium are found in pumpkin, Brazil nuts, spinach and in fish like halibut.

* Cilantro is helpful in removing heavy metals, including mercury, from your body. Cilantro aids in restoring the normal functions of body cells. You can easily sprinkle cilantro in your salads and soups.
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