Are Germs and Viruses the Real Cause of Disease?

By: conscioushealth
There is a universal belief that germs and viruses are the cause of disease; but this is not true.
Louis Pasteur, for whom the pasteurization process is named, first put forward the idea that germs from outside the body are the cause of disease.

Living in France at the same time as Pasteur was another scientist who was also conducting research on the cause and development of disease. This man was Antoine Bechamp. Pasteur actually "borrowed" part of Bechamp's research and publicized it as his own. Dr. Guylaine Lanctot explains it thus: Pasteur was ambitious, an opportunist. He was also a genius in the art of promoting himself, and he plagiarized, and then vulgarized, the work of Bechamp.

He stole the idea of small organisms being responsible, but he only revealed a small part of Bechamp's discoveries. Pasteur proclaimed that these small organisms only came from the outside. He forgot to mention that, once exposed to air, germs and other morbid (abnormal) microzymes lose their virulence very rapidly. And this deceit has been perpetuated ever since.

It has been said that Pasteur, on his deathbed, admitted to his colleagues that an individual's natural immunity is more important than germs in the matter of disease. He had been unable to grow his germ cultures on healthy, fresh fruit, and instead had to grow them on rotting soup.

Dr. Joel Robbins teaches that two conditions must be present in order for disease germs to enter into, or develop in, living tissue: first, something besides the germ must have previously weakened the tissue; and second, there must be acidic debris present in the tissue for the germs to live on. They cannot exist in a balanced acid-alkaline environment, neither can parasites.

The conclusion is logical. If our bodies are relatively free of toxic wastes, serious disease bacteria cannot develop within us. No harmful bacteria, parasite, or virus can proliferate in a body that does not have a build-up of toxic waste. A body that has healthy levels of cellular oxygen and a strong immune system will remain a healthy body.

How the Body Deals with Germs and Viruses

The body has a built-in natural intelligence. It knows how to fight germs and viruses.When it comes to disease, there are three principles that must be understood:

1 All forms of disease are caused by accumulations of acid and toxic waste in the body's systems, the first and foremost of which is the colon. Disease starts in the colon.

2 The body initiates all acute diseases like colds, flu, fever, skin eruptions, diarrhea, scarlet fever, and measles, in attempts to reduce the accumulation of stored waste material. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis, bronchitis, heart disease, and cancer, are caused by the continued build-up of waste in the system, and the suppression of acute disease cleansing attempts by wrong treatment.

3 The body has the ability to return to health provided it is given the proper nutrition and conditions to do so.

We don't "catch" diseases.We cause them! We create them by the way we live.We don't "catch" a cold or flu.We actually "earn" it by fostering toxic waste conditions in our bodies, as a result of our lifestyles.

When we continue to suppress illnesses with drugs and antibiotics, the body eventually develops degenerative disease conditions because it has not been allowed adequate opportunity to detoxify and heal naturally.
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