Alternative medicine is termed as informal, supplementary, and complementary medicine. It is a lot different from conventional medical approaches and mainly prescribed instead of the regular treatments in allopathic field. The treatments, which are included in alternative medicine, are herbal medicine, homeopathy, Chinese, non-medical massage therapy, hypnosis, chelation therapy, acupuncture, tribal-traditional medicine, Christian Science, and ayurvedic.
Conventional allopathic doctors are preferred in any case of health problem for any person from their childhood. Though alternative medicine has gained popularity and gained trust by many people still confusion about its advantages and disadvantages are questioned. However, these days there are various rigorous researches on alternative and complementary medicine are carried out and its efficiency is proved. There is a future in alternative medicine. The usage of this type of method is done by two following methods: Combinations of both are also in use. For. E.g. In addition to the conventional prescription medicine a nice Tai massage is proved to do wonders. The second method is the alternative approaches are used instead of conventional method. i.e. alternative method alone is prescribed for any treatment. In Alternative medicine, there are few philosophies, which are observed. They are: Body with little therapy and medicine can heal by itself. Always a product should enhance the bodies healing capacity. Prevention is better than cure. A general check up should always be done periodically to keep a check before anything goes wrong. Bodies responding capacity to any treatment is important then the treatment itself. Few Alternative medicine complementary medicines are: Mind and body technique: In this therapy combination of mind and body is the key. In alternative medicine harmony between mind and body are necessary to be fit. This connection method includes in prayer, hypnosis, yoga, biofeedback, meditation, relaxation therapies, music, dance etc. Dietary supplements and herbs: In this treatment natural products are used. Herbs and dietary supplements like ginkgo, enchinacea, ginseng, same, glucosamine sulfate, selenium are prescribed in the form of oils, tea, powder, syrup, tablet and capsule. This method is in practice for almost thousand and above years. Healing system: it is a combination of many therapy and practice/ remedy. It has its base revolving around the presence of healing energy in the body and the power of natural products used for curing. Healing system is the base in ayurveda, homeopathy, and naturopathy. Mostly countries like India, china, pacific, Asia, and Tibet follow this method of healing therapy. |
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