Options For Acid Reflux

By: mikeherman1
More and more people are turning to alternatives to the medicines prescribed by doctors to cure illnesses and diseases, including acid reflux disease.

The majority of those who are turning to the alternative treatments, are trying all sorts or natural treatments, including herbs, as well as simple dietary changes and many of these people swear that these treatments ave eliminated their symptoms and ended their pains and discomfort.

Besides being effective in treating the symptoms, these treatment have no side effects, unlike the medicines and drugs prescribed by doctors.

If you have had acid reflux for a while now and rely on drugs prescribed by your doctor, are newly diagnosed,?or believe that you may have acid reflux, but have not been "officially" diagnosed, you may want to consider some alternatives to the drugs you are currently taking.

* Note *?DO NOT simply stop taking what your doctor prescribed, certain medicines are dangerous, believe it or not, if you stop taking them. Talk with your doctor and explain what your plan is, which treatment options you plan to explore, etc.

? Anise, has a sweet, licorice flavor, is a herb that helps with digeston. Especially good in teas and has been used for centuries for everything from acne to sore throats (which is why I drink it).

? Peppermint is another natural remedy for indigestion. It helps your digestion system, stomach problems, cramps, ulcers and gas.

? Lavender is also known for great healing activity in the body. It can be a great aid for the stomach and is helpful of reducing the acid in the stomach. As with Anise and Peppermint, Lavendar makes a great tea, in fact you could combine them.

? Eat a banana. Bananas are a natural antacid and will help soothe indigestion and acid reflux.

? Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain, which is excellent for protein digestion, and you can eat it with every meal, or drink papaya juice.

? Pineapples have numerous enzymes including bromelain, which reduces protein, as Papayas do. Fresh pineapple juice has a high level of enzymes to help stop your indigestion. Bromelain can also be purchased as a tablet or pill that you can pick up at a vitamin shop locally or online. 200 to 500mg per meal.

? Having a teaspoon full of mustard, some say, works to help their indigestion.

? Chicory root is an herb containing endive and escarole. As with the herbs mentioned above, chicory root makes a tea to help with indigestion, acid reflux or heartburn. Adding this to your salad can also help.

? Additional options include cinnamon, which has an antiseptic effect and has the ability to settle acidic stomachs. Cinnamon is a good option since it can be added to several foods, don't forget about cinnamon toast, and be eaten with your meal while giving you food a great and unique taste.

? Drink a glass of water along with a mixture of baking powder and a half a glass of water. The baking soda, when it mixes with your stomach acid, will make you burb and will ease you acid reflux and indegestion. If you have high blood pressure or if you are pregnant, be aware that this can cause water retention and an increase in blood pressure.

And of course one of the best ways of controlling your acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion is to eat foods that are alkaline. It is important your diet controls the intake of fats, milk and dairy products, greasy foods and acidic foods.

As time goes on you will become more aware of the foods the cause you problems and you will learn to stay away from them, and you will find foods that are very agreeable to your system and you will eat more of those foods.

Best wishes....
Alternative Medicine

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