What Is Hypnosis?

By: nkthen
Hypnosis is a state of mind that is neither fully awake nor fully asleep. It is what can be called a trance-like state during which the patient is in an enhanced state of awareness. During a hypnotic trance the conscious mind is suppressed and the subconscious mind is revealed.

Hypnosis is a state induced by the doctor or therapist by way of suggestion. The therapist suggests ideas, concepts actions to the patient whilst under hypnotics. These ideas become absolutely real to the patient and through them the therapist can extract information from the patient of which the patient is unaware. Since this information resides in the subconscious mind the person has never encountered it consciously. Thus, hypnosis is an effective method to unearth the matters lying suppressed in the subconscious mind, which are the cause of many psychological problems.

Hypnosis is used to treat problems related to the mind. However, it can have a positive effect on the body as well. While hypnotherapy can be used to overcome phobias, negative thoughts or suppressed emotions; physiologically, hypnosis leads to slower breathing, a lower pulse rate and slower metabolism. It can also reduce the sensation and awareness of pain and other unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea.

Hypnosis works by altering our state of consciousness. The left side of the brain, which controls the conscious mind, is put to sleep during hypnosis. Consequently, the right side of the brain that is non-analytical and subconscious becomes more alert. Hypnosis works because the subconscious mind is more instinctive than the conscious mind, and unless it changes the patient's behavior and physical state cannot alter.

Clinical hypnosis is an effective process to bypass the conscious mind and communicate with the subconscious mind. It is the best cure for breaking a habit like smoking, plus, it helps in pain control, weight control, relaxation, study habits, sports performance, anesthesia, and trauma resolution. Hypnotherapy has helped people remove negative blocks that have been holding them back from achieving their goals. It is a method of de-conditioning or de-programming the mind.

Hypnosis is a perfectly safe technique that anyone who can concentrate for a few moments can learn. Today, it is being taught at universities, hospitals, and training centers and seminars and workshops to manage stress and pain.

Whether we realize it or not we have all been in a hypnotic state some time or the other. Basically, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis since it is impossible to hypnotize a person without his willing co-operation. Daydreaming and absentmindedness are some expressions of a hypnotic state, when you are 'lost to the world' and you drift into 'a world of your own.'

Have you ever heard of a man walking on burning embers? That's a typical example of shifting consciousness from the pain. And, believe it or not, he gets no blisters, either!
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