Who ever said you couldn't get something for nothing sure was wrong. My husband likes to call me the "Freebie Queen" because one of my all time favorite hobbies is searching for things that I can receive for free. Well you can begin to fill your mailbox with free goodies too all that is required of you is a little bit of time and research. I have received loads of free goodies over the past few years including product samples, full sized bottles of shampoo, diapers, baby formula, cosmetics, oral hygiene products, magazine subscriptions, coupons for free products... the list is almost endless.
If you have spent any amount of time on the internet I am sure you have seen all of the freebie sites that are out there these days. There are literally thousands of them. But really the only real great places to get legitimate freebies are message boards that pertain to bargains, coupons, or sales. Just do a search for "coupon message boards" or "freebie forums" Most boards like those will have a very up to date freebie section where members post what they have found. Most members of a very active board have verified that they have gotten whatever freebie it is that they are posting so in a sense they have already done most of the work for you. All you have to do if you find a freebie that catches your eye is go sign up for it, then wait for your freebie to arrive. After a while you will start to notice that your mailbox is filling up more and more. One word of caution before you go searching for your freebies. If you find something that is offered for free but you must sign up for a certain offer like a credit card application or a trial membership somewhere, or even a newsletter subscription DO NOT DO IT! Those are scams and you will never see any type of reward. Also you should never have to pay any type of fee like a shipping charge for something advertised as free.
Another great way to possibly get full sized products or coupons for full sized products is go to a company's website and give some feedback about the products they offer.
For instance I once purchased one of those plug in air fresheners and when I got it home to install it, I had found the fragrance oil had leaked all over everything else that I had purchased that day. It was a big mess so I got online and wrote the company a polite letter explaining to them what had happened. 2 weeks later I received an envelope with coupons for 4 free air fresheners. If you spend money on a product and are not satisfied with it do not be afraid to speak up, you will be heard and probably compensated quite well too. Give companies compliments as well they love to hear from consumers. If you really like a product let them know about it, you never know what you might get in return for your kind words.
One thing I have found to be amazing during my years of freebie hunting is that people are not taking advantage of rebates and refunds that companies will offer when they introduce a new product. This is your chance to get something for nothing folks take advantage of it!! All it usually takes is a few minutes to fill out a form and an envelope and your on your way to getting a freebie. Look for forms in your weekly coupon insert for "Try me free" offers or when you are out shopping look around for products with a sticker attached that also says "try me free." Make sure you read the form thoroughly so you don't miss something important. It really is rather simple and not that time consuming. You will be amazed at what companies will give you. A lot of stores such as Walgreen's & Rite-Aid also offer customers free products. You have to purchase the product first but when you send in the form along with your receipt you get your money back. It usually only takes a few weeks to receive a check.
Doing surveys is another way to get great free items. Go do a search for survey companies and sign up for every one you can find! There are a lot of companies out there that need people like you to test their products and sometimes not only will you get free products you could possibly get paid too!! Now be aware that no survey company will EVER ask you for money to join. And whatever you do, DO NOT pay for a list of survey companies. Those lists are a rip off!! You can find every company that is out there just by doing a simple search on Yahoo. Now not all survey companies will give you free products to test for doing surveys. Sometimes all you will get for your time is an entry into a drawing but do those surveys too. I have won cash prizes from drawings several times. It really is possible to win.
This brings me to entering sweepstake to get freebies. Believe it or not there a lot of people winning sweepstakes everyday including me!! The trick is to find sweepstakes that are giving away a lot of prizes, your chances of winning are so much better if say for instance it is a one time entry and they are giving away 1000 tubes of lipstick. I like to enter the ones that give away beauty products and kids stuff since I have children. I have won a lot of free stuff over the past year including lotions, nail polish, cosmetics, perfumes etc.. The prizes are usually small but it definitely is a surprise when you open your mailbox! And of course it’s free! Free! Free!
You have a ton of resources available to you especially in the online world. Go out and do some searching and get your free stuff. It’s so simple. Here is a great place for you to start. http://www.yes-its-free.com/ I am in no way affiliated with this site it just happens to be one of my favorite places to get free goodies!