Foods To Be Taken During Menopause

By: arsen1
Every woman who lives past the age of 35 will have to go through the stage of menopause. This is an inevitable part of her life, and she will have to learn in advance how to deal with the changes that will affect her life. There are many changes, and these changes include hormone changes as well. One of the hormone changes causes a craving for food. Therefore, women going through menopause should have good knowledge of the foods to be taken during menopause.

Menopause Effects All Spheres Of Life

These changes will also include changes in her social life, her way of working and, most of all, her feelings about herself. In the medieval times, menopause was surrounded by misconceptions governed by unscientific thought or myths. Women have come to accept menopause as a natural step in the unavoidable process of aging. Menopause means that a woman does not possess the ability to conceive. Along with this, the body goes through many hormonal changes as well affecting the moods and mental frame of mind. It is a very difficult time for her, and she needs all the support she can get from those around her.

Menopause brings with it many changes. Some of these changes may be related to the dietary intake of the individual. The diet or the food to be taken during menopause will vary according to the different individuals and their weight. Many doctors advise their patients to choose and stick to a healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean meat, fish, cereals, and some chicken several times a week. The fluid intake should be increased considerably, and low-fat dietary products should be increased in the diet. Though alcohol may not be done away with completely, the intake should be limited to one to two drinks per day when you are approaching menopause.

Phytoestrogens Help In Estrogen Replacement

The intake of Phytoestrogens actually supports estrogen levels in the body. These Phytoestrogensare are found in abundance in soy and soy products. Phytoestrogens have the capacity to bind to estrogen receptors and replace estrogen in women with low levels of that hormone. Hormone health in women during menopause is greatly improved by including Phytoestrogen-rich food in the diet. Soy, flax, vegetables, beans, seeds, and nuts all have some amount of Phytoestrogens. Along with these foods, a decrease in animal fat intake is also recommended in the foods to be taken during menopause for better results.
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