The back-to-school shopping is done. Brand new pencils, colored markers, and notebooks fill my daughter’s back pack. I’ve cleaned off the refrigerator in preparation for the new onslaught of pictures and class notices. School’s started. She is excited to be back amongst her friends. I find myself in the everyday routine of waking up in the dark, fixing breakfast and packing lunches. Even though my daughter is old enough to drive herself to school this year, I still rush out the door behind her dressed in sweat pants and no makeup. After a quick work out and a shower, my work day finally begins. It’s good to be back in the routine. But, back-to-school is also time to recharge the parenting batteries. This month, why not celebrate back-to-school by taking a few minutes for yourself? Put on your favorite CD and take a long leisurely, uninterrupted bath. Why not go for coffee with the girls or host a brunch for your neighborhood friends? Try something decadent, just for mom. Foaming Chocolate Milk Bath Sachets Enjoy a relaxing, aromatic moment to yourself. Ingredients:
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