Myth #1: It is not possible to accurately diagnose ADD and ADHD in adults. It is true that there is no single test that will diagnose this disorder, but there very clear and formal documented symptoms in the DSM-IV. These documented symptoms, listed by the American Psychiatric Association, have been researched, studied and evaluated. With this reliable source and other cross-references, our current methods of diagnosing ADHD are very accurate.
Myth #2: Children outgrow ADHD. This myth is totally inaccurate and untrue. It has been found in a number of studies that ADHD is a neurobiological disorder that has to do with an individual's brain wiring. Although symptoms may not appear to be as severe in adulthood, it is a life time disorder. This has been shown through several follow-up studies of people who have ADHD. If ADHD is not diagnosed, it causes other emotional and psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. Myth #3: If you are a bright or intelligent person, you cannot have ADHD. People with ADHD tend to be higher in intelligence than a lot of the average public. ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence. It is a disorder of regulating attention, and affects how well you can sit there and get stuff done. Or it affects how well you can listen to your boss or teacher. It has nothing to do with how bright you are. Just to demonstrate this; Albert Einstein is thought to have had ADD. Myth #4: You do not have ADD because it was not apparent in your childhood. Unless you were the child bouncing off the walls during classes, it is very to go unnoticed with this disorder. Adults with ADD without hyperactivity are prime suspects for not appearing to have ADD. Many people with inattentive ADD internalize their symptoms. Often, people do not associate this with the picture of hyperactivity or restlessness. Myth #5: Everybody has ADD symptoms sometimes, so why the diagnosis? This is like saying that everyone has periods of time when they feel depressed, so why diagnose clinical depression? It just doesn't make sense if you are familiar with the disorder at all. Yes, it is true that sometimes average people feel distracted, have a lack of focus and maybe some of the other ADD symptoms. But it is to the degree that this is occurring as well as the duration of the symptoms. Adults only seek a diagnosis if they are having significant problems doing tasks and activities that other people their age do not have issues with. If an adult is diagnosed with ADD, many times it is very relieving to the individual. They do not have to totally blame themselves for their struggles and have a starting place in moving forward in life. |
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