The Do or Die of Dermatology

By: GregJost
Those of you who do not have bad skin, stop reading this. Well, keep reading if you want to, but for those of you who suffer from bad skin, please, read on. Dermatology sounds like a term intended solely for professionals with a degree. While that can most often be the case, anyone who has an interest in maintaining their skin, especially troublesome skin, should take it upon themselves to learn more about their unending life condition.

The study of dermatology concerns the knowledge, diagnosis, and treatment of skin disorders. "Disorders" seems to infer a rare or uncommon diagnosis; but plenty of long-time suffers know better. And while the study of dermatology might not be all that applicable to the average person without a degree, the average person can still play a large part in their own cure by being preventive about it. Treatment of your own skin is a matter best left to a trained professional; but no excuses stand for a lack of knowledge and from leading a preventative lifestyle. The so-called "Do or Die" of dermatology stems from a do or die attitude.

These are the several well-rounded tips that can be applied to a variety of different skin types. True, skin types vary from dry to oily, but these tips should be swallowed as general principle, and to at least be taken into consideration.

When it comes to washing your face, splash with cold water first. This will close any vulnerable pores; as the friction caused by rubbing your face can let in surface oils. Then use lukewarm water to rub away dirt, oil, and sweat. And last, splash with more cold water, to close up those pores. This practice of cold water versus warm can be applied to other aspects such as bathing or showering. Regulate between the temperatures in accordance to your own skin type. Dry skin can be prevented with cooler water, and vice versa. This tip is essential to balanced skin.

With that, it can be said that bad skin gets triggered in two different, and preventable, ways. Stress. Not psychological stress, which has not been proven, but physical stress. Heat and sweat will cause pores to dilate and clog in less natural ways than, say, secreted oils. Aside from the sweat, dilated pores allow outside germs and toxins to easily seep inside. This will either add to the bacteria, or will in effect clog a pore. Clogged pores make up the second trigger to irritated skin. It is not enough to simply wash skin, but effort must be made in exfoliating it as well. The irony stems from the fact that clogged pores tend to derive out of rough skin; but rough skin generally comes from over-exfoliation. Again, balance it out according to your own skin type.

Inevitably, the matter of food comes into play. The fact stands that no studies have accurately proven that a person's diet will cause an outbreak of bad skin; but what people tend to overlook are their own traits as individuals. Allergies. Allergic reactions can spur a variety of consequences. Keep track of what gets eaten, and how it may or may not correlate to the way your skin looks the following morning. So while studies of chocolate have not proven it to cause breakouts, close scrutiny of your own bodily reaction may prove otherwise.

So it pays to be your own dermatologist. But like any other disorder, problems with the skin can worsen if left untreated and undiagnosed. Part of knowing your own skin is knowing when you need help.
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