Finally after two decades of research, a skin specialist in New York is using light therapy to treat severe cases of acne successfully.
What is new is that he is treating acne with the right combination of red light and blue light, not individually, as has been done in the past. This is a great change from the standard treatment of poisoning or cutting the acne patient. By poisoning and cutting I mean taking drugs (medications) or undergoing surgery. It is non-invasive, non-pharmacological (no drugs) and completely natural. There may be some side effects to be aware of however with all light therapy. This light therapy, which is made up of light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, is most often used to apply concentrated doses of light to patients. LEDs are not lasers. The tissue doesn't get hot and the treatment is totally painless. LED light is compressed light from the red and infrared spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation. It reaches the cellular power plants of low-lying cells too, and is absorbed by the collector surfaces as an additional source of energy. The cellular power plants can thus produce more ATP. The cellular energy is the fuel the skin cells look for and needs. A sufficiently high supply of cellular energy enables our skin cells to work under optimum conditions and is necessary for a successful self-healing process. So light apparently works on human tissue at the cellular level. This helps the body repair itself and heal faster. Light can also change the speed of certain chemical processes by speeding them up or slowing them down. Light therapy, which medically speaking, is called photo rejuvenation, refers to all treatment and devices that use powerful wavelengths of light, sometimes called "cold laser", but is not actually laser, applied to skin. There are four kinds of light being used in the medical field today. They are: near infrared light, red light, blue light, and ultraviolet light (UV). The two kinds of light being used together in this new research, for severe acne, are red light and blue light. Red light is visible. Infrared light is not visible. Red light seems to help wounds heal faster. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and can kill bacteria on the spot. More technically, visible red light, when it's at the proper wavelength, penetrates the human tissue at a depth of approximately 8mm-10mm. Skin layers, because of their high blood and water content, easily absorb red light. It's extremely beneficial in treating problems near the surface, such as acne, acne scars, wrinkles, age spots, broken capillaries, wounds, cuts, other scars, and trigger points. It's also particularly effective in treating infections. Red light promotes increased circulation, stimulates collagen production, diminishes age spots, stimulates tissue repair, promotes healing stimulation, releases enhancing enzymes, and increases lymphatic system activity. It also relieves pain, kills or disables temperature-sensitive bacteria and viruses, and performs cellular cleansing and healing. Blue light is used as an anti-bacterial agent. Blue light therapy was one of the first light-based therapies used for acne treatment. Blue light works by killing the acne-causing bacteria, P. acnes, and has been used to treat inflammatory acne vulgaris that hasn't responded to other acne therapies. The blue-light products of today do not contain ultraviolet (UV) light, which used to be used as a light therapy to treat acne. UV light can damage the skin and is no longer used to treat acne. It's this proper combination of red light and blue light therapy, working together in a special way, which will reduce and heal the severe acne that has plagued so many. It's always best to seek non-invasive treatment for any condition. Invasive treatment would mean anything that invades or therefore penetrates the body in some way. Drugs or medications would be an example of this. In this case it's a great alternative to drugs or even surgery for long suffering acne patients. Treating acne and possibly acne scars with this proper combination is revolutionary. Acne sufferers are beginning to see the light! It won't be long before everyone is using this combination light therapy and some may have access to it now. Discuss this new acne treatment with your skin doctor, skin specialist or dermatologist. |
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