Home Remedies for Pets

Skunk Odor - Vinegar and water douche is helpful in covering up the skunk odor. Pour the mixture on your pet and rub. Use rubber gloves to protect yourself from the skunk odor. Do not let your animal get wet soon as the smell will return. Repeat till your pet is skunk odor free.

For natural flea control - groom your pet daily. Use a fine toothed flea comb. Bathe your pet a natural pet shampoo that has flea repellent herbs. During summer wash your pet's bedding in hot soapy water weekly and dry in hot dryer. Vacuum rugs and mattresses in the house every 2 or 3 days. Dust natural powders containing herbs such as rosemary, wormwood, rue, eucalyptus and sometimes tobacco powder to repel fleas. Add garlic and brewer's yeast to your pet's daily diet. Try rubbing the yeast into your pet's fur.

Ticks - Pull out ticks using your fingers. Grab the tick as close to your pet's skin as possible, twist and pull gradually.

Stickers - Use a stainless steel comb with wide teeth to pull out stickers from the fur before matting begins. Or else you can use your fingers to pull them out. If you find the sticker deep inside the ear making it difficult to remove, put some warm vegetable or mineral oil in the ear to soften it and take your pet to the vet.

Ear Mites - To remove ear mites, mix ? ounce of almond and vitamin E. Put a dropper or two in each ear and massage it well. Let your pet shake its head and clean out the opening with cotton swabs. The oily mixture smothers the mites and helps healing. Refrigerate the mixture between uses, warming it before use.

For temporary treatment of ear mite, soak a cotton ball with mineral oil and swab the ear canal. Then seek medical advice from the vet for any further treatment.

Anemia - Feed you pet with foods rich in iron and vitamin B.

Arthritis - To make your overweight pet's loose weight, 20 minute walk several times a day will help lighten the load on the achy joints and reduce the progression of arthritis. During winter season, let your pet sleep inside on soft bedding to reduce discomfort if any.

Asthma - Use a humidifier, stop smoking, and keep your pets inside during pollen season.

Bad Breath - Foul odor is the sign of plague. Brush your pet's teeth, feed them raw carrots, and avoid canned food or scraps of food lying on the table. If the problem still persists, get the vet to clean your pet's teeth.

Remedy for broken bones - Freeze your pet holding him still and placing him on a board, floor mat or folded blanket. Avoid bandaging or supporting with splint as it can cause more damage.

Car Sickness - Avoid car sickness for your pets by letting them sit in the front seat, allowing them to look out of the windows and cracking the windows to allow fresh air flow in the vehicle. Some pets prefer to travel on empty stomach while some prefer to have small amount of food.

Choking - If you pet is choking, open the mouth to see any object stuck and remove it. If you pet is not breathing and you are unable to find out what's the obstructing the air passage, try the Heimlich maneuver. You hold your pet against you, clasp your hands around the upper abdomen or make your pet lie down on their side and put one of your hands on top and another just below the rib cage and then push or lift upward to dislodge the object. If you're unsuccessful, see the vet immediately.

Diarrhea - If you detect any hint of diarrhea in your pet, ensure that pet is drinking lots of fluids. You can stop feeding for 24 hours from the onset of the disease. When the pet is ready to eat again, try giving easily digestible food every 4 hours for 2-3 days moving to regular food when your pet is diarrhea free. If the problem still persists, seek medical treatment as it could be more serious issue.

Fever - If the pet is down with fever, soothe away the heat with a cold compress on their belly or give them a cool bath for 10 minute. Also ensure that they are drinking enough water. If the fever does not go down, consult the vet.

Flatulence - Exercising helps to move the gas out of the system, so taking your pet for walk several times in case they suffer from flatulence. Give your pet, yoghurt that contains bacteria the helps to decrease gas problem.

Insects Bites - If your pet is stung by insects, dab a mixture of baking soda and water on the spot to help reduce the discomfort.

Itchy Skin - For you pet's itchy skin, give them a cool 10 minute bath. For dog's itchy feet, fill the tub with enough cool water to cover their feet, dissolve a couple cups of Epsom salts in the water and soak your dog's feet for 10 minutes. Do not let your dog drink this water.

Bleeding - If your pet has severe bleeding due to accident of any kind, place gauze over the wound and apply direct pressure with your hand for 5 minutes. Continue applying pressure till the bleeding stops. Also cold packs over oozing wounds help to reduce the swelling and bleeding.

Urinary Infection - For common home remedy for urinary infection intake of cranberry, orange and other citrus juices work in boosting the acidity of the urine and decreasing the amount of bacteria.

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