How To Figure Out And Fix Home Theater Sound Problems Quickly

By: teahupoo
You were so proud of yourself, you put together all of the components of your home theater system and everything works, except for one thing. The sound sucks! Sometimes it is because you bought poor quality equipment or because you crossed different makes of speakers which can result in voice match failures but many times the problems can be easily rectified and you can stop pulling your hair out and kick back and enjoy your investment. Let?s take a look at how to avoid these problems.

The sound system is just as important as the TV in a home theater system, maybe even more important because it is the sound system that makes it a home theater system instead of just a television in a corner. Having a quality sound system can make your movie watching experiences much more enjoyable.

I am not going to attempt to cover every possible situation here but I will try to give you some helpful advice to help you decide if you have a fixable problem or if you need to replace a component. In a lot of cases you may just need to makes some simple modifications.

The first thing that comes to mind for most of us when we hear a problem with the sound is that it is the speakers and we need to go out and buy new ones but in most cases this is not the problem. There are many other problems that can cause the sound to be weak or distorted that have nothing at all to do with the speakers. You could have a weak amplifier or a bad connection. The most common problem I see is that of low amplification. This is especially true when someone tries to use an all in one approach that typically comes with a low powered amp that just will not push the sound needed for a larger room.

A quick and easy way to test the system and see if the problem is with the speakers is to hook them up to a regular stereo and see what kind of sound you get, it will probably be perfect which tells you the problem is probably your amp. If the speakers still perform the same then the problem is with them.

Poor cabling or inferior speaker wire can also cause sound problems and the cables that are included in the box with your system are often the culprit as they are often cheap quality. If you are having sound related problems check the connections and the cables first because it is normally the ancillary things like this that are causing the problem, not the component itself.

To avoid sound problems just follow these guidelines. Make sure that everything id connected properly and that you have a powerful enough amplifier to do the job of pushing the speakers you have. Next, be sure that you are using quality cables. These tips can help save you some time and aggravation.
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