Tips on Buying a New Refrigerator

By: granola
When you are thinking about buying a new refrigerator make sure you don't forget the first and most important step. It really is very obvious, but surprisingly many people get in such a hurry to get to the actual purchasing part that they will forget to take it. The first step you need to take is to make sure that the refrigerator you go to buy will fit in the space in your kitchen. I know it sounds so simple and obvious, but you would be surprised at how many people will skip over this step and after finding the perfect refrigerator, bring it home only to find that it does not fit the space for it in their kitchen.

So, in order to avoid all the hassle and aggravation of such an experience here are some guidelines to help you measure the space for your refrigerator. First you will want to measure the height of the space available, make sure you press your measuring tape firmly against the floor when doing this to get an accurate reading. Then measure the width of the space you have selected for your refrigerator. When doing these measurements go ahead and give yourself plenty of space you don't want to take the chance that you where off in your measurements by a few inches, that is all it takes for it not to fit. The next thing you will want to check for is the door clearance. Are the doors on your new refrigerator going to be able to open all the way? Will they hit other appliances cupboards if they are open? Then finally after you have measured your space, go ahead and measure all the doorways and hallways you will have to carry your new appliance through in order to reach your kitchen, it will not matter if it fits in the kitchen space if you can not get it through the door and down the hallway to get to your kitchen.

Another thing to remember when you are picking out your new refrigerator is to consider just how much refrigeration space you will need. For instance, maybe you have a small family of only one or two people. If this is so, you might want to consider a smaller unit, such as a 17 or 19 cubic foot model. This will not only help you save money, but will also save you space which you may be able to utilize for something else. However, you need to keep in mind that refrigerator's life span is roughly 10 years, which means that if you are expecting your family to grow you will probably want to get a larger model now even if there is only the two of you. A 25 or 26 cubic foot model would be your ideal. That way you wouldn't have to buy new refrigerator in the future.

Whatever your refrigeration needs, just make sure you take your time when buying, and look around at different models and options. This is a big purchase decision and one you will have to live with for many years to come.
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