According to Dr John Murton, the relationship between the UK and Mauritius is cordial and they have very strong links. Many of the people here even have cultural links. There’s equally a historic link valued by people from all walks of life. Most of the ministers Dr John Murton met have had the benefit of education in the UK at some point in their career. And this great." Many of the things happening in Mauritius Island, he thinks, are influenced by British Educational thought; so also are, in some ways, many of the political, social, cultural, economic and other policy decisions. The UK is very much present in the life of the people. Even trade and investment, Dr John Murton adds, between the two countries are vibrant. UK is still one of the biggest partners and investment from the UK here is quite significant, and is growing. New investments continue to come in. Later this year, Virgin Atlantic Airline will be here. It will be very good for Mauritius. It will bring Mauritius a little closer to UK.
It is clear that as Mauritius continues to develop its different sectors of the economy, from sugar sectors to knowledge hub, more investments from the UK will flow in and it will continue to be an important element of their relationship. Dr Murton says with the changes taking places in the world, Mauritius is fully aware of the challenges and opportunities it faces as the world economy develops. Dr John Murton thinks people from here are prepared to grasp the opportunities. During his stay in Mauritius, he will have to concentrate on certain priorities identified by his government. There are 10 strategic international priorities over the next five to ten years. They underline, he says, how closely domestic and international policies are now linked: 1)Making Mauritius safer from Global terrorism and weapons of mass destruction; 2)Reducing the harm to the UK from international crime, including drug trafficking, people smuggling and money laundering; 3)Preventing and resolving conflict through a strong international system; 4)Building an effective and globally competitive EU in a secure neighborhood; 5)Supporting the UK economy and business through an open and expanding global economy, science and innovation and secure energy supplies; 6)Achieving climate security by promoting a faster transition to a sustainable, low carbon global economy; 7)Promoting sustainable development and poverty reduction underpinned by human right, democracy, good governance and protection of the environment; 8)Managing migration and combating illegal immigration; 9)Delivering high quality support for British nationals abroad, in normal times and cries; and 10)Ensuring the security and good governance of the UK’s Overseas Territories. There are very few of these that can be resolved purely on a bilateral basis. Dr Murton points out and says Mauritius can be a strong partner in collaborating on these issues. Already Mauritius is playing an important role in international and regional affairs. It has been the most vocal critic of the Zimbabwean regime. This stand has been welcomed by UK and it stays a strong partner for this country. Visa to the UK A national of Mauritius does not need a visa to the UK as a visitor for less than six months. However, on arrival one must satisfy the immigration officer that one qualifies for entry to the United Kingdom as a visitor under the Immigration Rules. The same rule applies to those who go for a business travel. In the case of students, it’s a bit different. If they are allowed to enter the UK as a student for up to six months, they will not be allowed to extend their stay unless they arrived with a student or prospective student visa, or are studying on a course at degree level or higher. The home office will charge you a fee for applying to extend your stay. If one has entered the UK as a visitor, and is still in the UK as a visitor, that person will not be allowed to switch to student status. This is due to the Immigration Rules Change that came into effect on 3 April 2006. A word of caution: even though you do not need a visa, it is always advisable to seek clarification, information and advise from the High Commission in Port Louis. MauriTravel |
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