Durham North Carolina Lodging

By: astratton
If you're planning a stay in Durham, North Carolina lodging choices are plentiful and varied. Ultimately, your decision will be based on the length of your stay: short or long?. If you are going to be staying in Durham, NC for just a few weeks, your lodging choice will be very different than if you are staying for months or even a year or more.

Using a few different resources, you can find the best Durham lodging for your particular situation. So consider your parameters carefully and narrow down exactly what you need. Probably your goals are lodging that is comfortable, large enough to suit your needs, and in a convenient location. You also want it to be as inexpensive as possible and not completely empty your wallet.

First, consider the short-term Durham, North Carolina lodging options. Usually, people will stay in a hotel or motel if their visit is just a few days or weeks. If this is your case, you will be able to find a very pleasant and relaxing motel. The main motels in Durham offer a range of amenities, usually offering free wi-fi internet access in all of the rooms, and a nice gym or fitness center, and one or more pleasant eating places.

Hotels and motels may also come equipped with pools and saunas to relax in. So if your Durham, lodging needs don't require you to be there long term, hotels and motels are a great solution. But if you are staying longer than a few weeks, costs can easily get out of control. If you're looking for a longer stay, you'll want to investigate some of the other options.

If your stay will extend a month or two, or even a year, finding Durham, North Carolina lodging may be a little awkward. Hotels and motels would be far too expensive, and you may have a hard time finding an apartment complex that will rent to you for less than a year.

So your options are limited, but there is another way. You can most likely find a condo to stay in. Condominium apartments are owned by individuals, many of whom are happy to rent on a monthly basis. Look in the yellow pages online, the local newspaper real estate listings, or search the internet for condos in Durham NC and you'll find all that are available. Then arrange a meeting with the condo owner, and explain why you are in town and how long you have to stay. This will probably be your best bet, because trying to find a rental apartment for less than a year is difficult task. Explore a few different options to find which is best for you.

If you plan to be in Durham, NC longer than a year, you will probably be better off renting an apartment or a house. You can arrange for these rather quickly, and stay in a hotel while you wait to be accepted. If you decide that this is the best option, just look in the local newspapers for real estate listings or search online to find what sort of Durham, North Carolina lodging is available within your time frame and price range. No matter how long you are staying, you will have no problem being able to find someplace nice and comfortable that suits your budget.
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