How Can I Take Ski Vacations And Not Go Broke Doing It?

By: sayush
When we think of ski vacations, we think of expensive trips with lots of added items on the side. So, we usually don't go. But if we could afford it - why not? There are some basic shortcuts we can use in order to have a wonderful time, doing something that is different and fun, without costing a small fortune.

One of the main expenses are clothing, boots, gloves, or skis. What we don't think about is the ones people have packed away as they either outgrew them, or didn't ski anymore. These can be family members, or even going to second-hand clothing stores. After all, we don't have to have brand-new outfits to wear once a year, do we? Thrift shops, garage sales, attics, and so on - look everywhere you can to save money for the trip. The only time this may not work is if the buy is for children - who grow like crazy. If you buy them an outfit, plan on booking a ski vacation soon. Also, remember there are always discounts for children or they can get in free, especially if the family has never went skiing before. Many ski resorts will cater to you then, as they want you to return. Special offers are usually always available for children, so check this out online.

By joining a ski club, as the small cost to join will be offset, with discounts on trips, lower to cost ski lessons, non-ski promotions, and health club markdowns. Try to join a local one, or choose a low-key ski resort with lower prices and more one-on-one for training or working with beginners. This doesn't mean that these resorts won't provide you with a fun vacation - it simply means that they aren't quite as well known as other resorts, and therefore, the prices may be a great deal cheaper. Also look for ski vacation packages that will include your lodging, lift tickets, lessons, rentals, and possibly even some meals from them also.

Because most ski resorts want booking six to eight months in advance, you have time to make some sacrifices if money is a real issue. For instance, instead of eating in an expensive restaurant each night, eat cheaper fast food, or make sandwiches in your room, while putting the money saved into a jar marked for skiing.

Other ideas are to borrow equipment from friends instead of renting it. Or join a group for lessons instead of taking private lessons - splitting the fee. Don't stay at a lodge, stay at a motel farther away from the slopes if necessary. There are numerous ways that you can cut down on the expense of your ski trip. It is all about the powder after all!
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