Does Applying for a Job Stress You Out?

By: booksbyrobert
For many people job stress comes before you get a job. There are those who love to apply for jobs, but what if applying for a job panics you, your sleep is interrupted and you have indigestion?

Here are some things you can do to lessen your anxiety:

Don't be nervous about applying for a job. Remember, they are anxious to interview you. They obviously need to fill the position or you wouldn't be applying for it.

Being well prepared gives you confidence and lessens your anxiety.

Find out what the company you are applying does. Does it look like a company you would like to work for? Make a career of?

Be sure you have the qualifications for the position. Interviewers do not like to take up their time interviewing people who are totally unqualified for the position offered. Or totally overqualified.

Interviewing for a job is a two way situation. They are as anxious to find the right employee as you are to find the right job.

Don't ask about benefits and chance for advancement up front. If the interview is going well, the interviewer will probably tell you anyway. If not, there is plenty of time to find out these things if you are hired.

Take a fresh, up-to-date copy of your resume. One that you can leave with the interviewer. Make sure your phone number is on the resume in a prominent place.

Dress appropriately. An exclusive men's shop is not loking for someone with long hair, wearing baggy jeans.

It should go without saying, BE ON TIME.
Use the interviewer's name when you greet him/her.

Follow the interviewer's lead as to whether it will be a strictly business interview or a chatty one.

Don't play games. If you really want the position, let the interviewer know, but don't beg for it.

When you are dismissed, leave. Don't ask more questions than you need to just to string out the interview. Maybe the interviewer has a luncheon date.

If you are rejected, don't let it erode your confidence. There are more jobs to apply for and you might have hated working for that company anyway.

There are many reasons why you could be rejected and none of them are personal. A friend of a friend got the job, They decided they didn't need another employee, They hired a former employee back, and many more. So take what you learned from the interview and go on to the next one.

It is much better for the ego if you have applied for several jobs. If this was the only one you have applied for, the rejection is more devastating. If you have several other interviews scheduled, and a list of places to contact, one rejection is not worth even thinking about.

Every time you are interviewed, you will learn something of value in applying for a job. And your level of stress will lessen until applying for a job is no more stressful than having a conversation with your next door neighbor.

Copyright 2006 Robert T. Lewis

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