Ways to Make Their Gift Memorable

By: seekgiftbaskets
Gifts and gift baskets lend charm and finesse to make occasions special. But, it's what's in them and the thought and that little extra special effort that went into them that leave wonderful memories.

When someone receives a handwritten note, it touches the heart. Write a note--something impromptu that you want to say. It could be a parent's project to get small children to write their thoughts too--say, for Mother's Day or for Father's Day or for a Dad's or Mom's birthday.

Even business associates appreciate a handwritten note or letter. You could deliver the gift and your letter yourself, and that would add an even extra special touch.

For your friends and loved ones, ladies, you can leave a lipstick kiss on the gift note. Get little children to leave their hand or footprints on keepsake items or cards or letters. Then give them as gifts.

Give something that you know the recipient was longing to get but was unable to. It might even bring tears of joy to their eyes.

If you're good at woodwork, make an item such as a birdhouse yourself and include it in the gift basket.

For someone who has a sweet tooth, make some cherry preserve with the cherries off your backyard tree and add it to a gift basket. Or bake a cake or make some fudge, wrap it in a creative way-and send it along with love. Something that you've invested the time and effort in is always appreciated immensely and remembered in a very special way.

For older people, you could burn them a CD of their favorite golden oldies. Or try getting them a DVD collection of some TV series that was the rage in their time.

For a Wedding Anniversary gift, you can give the couple a framed picture of the best shot you took of them at their wedding. Or, if you are good at stained glass work, you can make a stained glass frame, and for a Wedding gift, present the couple with it framing their wedding invitation, and you can add in an extra one to frame their marriage certificate.

For a reunion gift, you can present your loved ones with a nicely framed picture of all of you together at a previous reunion. Or make a scrapbook with the pictures that you took at the last reunion, write little notes to accompany each picture, and voil?, there's a gift that will be treasured.

Think of what would make a gift memorable to you and do the same for others.
Gifts for loved ones

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