Cell phones were path breaking inventions that revolutionized the way people used to communicate with each other. It not only eliminated the limitation of a fixed telephone line in terms of its mobility but also offered additional features a normal telephone does not have. The present day cell phone, for example, is a power packed little box with a myriad of features that varies from facilitating normal phone calls to GPS, web connectivity, image recording and blue tooth communication. It won't be an overstatement if to mention that cell phones took the world to one's fingertips.
In fact, the first generation of cell phones was not so great a design except for its basic utility of being 'cellular'. It was heavy, produced more heating, and had less battery life. Its range and roaming facility was not satisfactory either. If to take into account its economic viability, it was much costlier than a conventional phone. No wonder, cell phone in those days were limited to the elite and the rich in the society.
But, over the years, as the world of communication has undergone a sea change, and cell phones also evolved accordingly. From a simple hand held device that performed the function of a fixed line telephone, the cell phone has been redesigned to be more compact, light weight, better performance and a store house of various other utilities. For example, most low budget cell phone available in the market today comes with a variety of features such as sms, alarm and reminder, phone book, caller id, and call directory. More sophisticated phones come equipped with a camera with video recording capabilities, download features, mms, web browsing capabilities, GPS (Global Positioning System that helps track a cell phone by the aid of a communication satellite), and some with storage capabilities that can easily hold a number of power point presentation or a one hour video.
Even though sophisticated cell phones are still costly, on a larger scale, cell phones have shed its elite tag and became more of a common commodity these days. Prices have come down from its early times and more and more people can afford to own a cell phone now. But it is advisable to use a cell phone judiciously. Too many unwanted calls made through a cell phone can eventually drain one's pocket like an open tap. Hence always keep a check on its usage