The Fruits Name Game in Tea Party

By: rhusain
For a tea Party the game must be simple and easy, requiring no big space. Keeping in mind the interest of young people, try out the following game and have a success party.

The next game smacked of the familiar "Donkey and His Tail" of earlier childhood parties, but was quite a grown-up version. On the wall Helen had taped a map of the United States. Then each guest was given an American Flag sticker on which she put her own initials.

The girls then took turns being blindfolded and trying to stick their flags on Washington, D. C. The one whose flag landed nearest its goal received a sack of candied cherries as a prize. A "Cherry Race" was next in order. The guests were divided into two groups and assembled in two lines. The first in each line was given three large cherries. At a given signal each leader started across the room balancing the three cherries on the back of his left hand. If a cherry or two rolled off, the contestant had to pick them up unassisted and continue. When the leader reached the other side of the room he returned to his original place and gave the cherries to the next in line to continue the race. The team finishing first won the relay.

For the next game Helen used folding chairs because they were portable. The girls paired off in couples. All the couples but one seated themselves in a group. The remaining couple became George and Martha Washington. Each of the other couples secretly decided on a fruit to be their name. George and Martha wandered around the room calling out the names of various fruits such as cherries, apples, and pears. If a couple's fruit name was called they left their chairs and followed after George and Martha. If George or Martha called out, "The fruit trees are all in bloom," everyone left his seat and followed the Washington. When George called, "The fruit is all ripe," everyone dashed for a chair. The two not getting chairs became George and Martha for the next try.

After this bit of riotous exercise a quieter game was welcome. Helen put a large glass bowl in the center of a card table. She placed nearby a bunch of cotton balls which she claimed were white cherries. Each girl in turn was then blindfolded, turned around three times and given a wooden spoon. The object was to spoon the white cherries into the glass bowl. (Try it sometime. You'll have a surprise.) Because the cherries have no weight it is impossible to tell whether the spoon is empty or full, and not being able to see the bowl makes this game a real effort for the contestant, but very, very funny for the sidelines.

Place cards of paper hatchets proudly sporting bright red bows around a small cherry tree centerpiece similar to the larger one that started off the party made a gay refreshment table.

Generous slices of cherry pie topped with ice cream in hatchet mold brought the happy party to a close. The guests really enjoyed the Washington Tea Party.
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