The summer passes, the air cools down, the leaves start to fall...yes, it's that time of year again. Hunting Season! The favorite time of year to break out that blaze orange outfit, polish the guns, and suit up for the big hunt. Every hunter goes out looking for that prize catch: the big deer. Some hope to catch that world record deer, while others just look to make a kill. From the hunting games to the big woods, its time for deer hunting.
Every hunter has his or her own hunting tricks and tips. Some know the backwoods better that their own backyard. But until you develop your own tricks, here are a few I can share.
Tip #1
Before hunting season even begins, usually January to March, scout your territory and find your favorite location. Always be quiet and careful, just like if you were actually hunting; you want watch the deer. Look for the trees that have the most acorns as they will usually attract deer looking for food. Start to think about where you would station yourself. What will hide you from the surroundings? Greens make a great cover if you don't want to spend the money on a cover. If you own a hunting stand, set it up to allow the deer to get used to it being there so you won't scare them away when you actually hunt. If you are afraid you won't find your spot again, mark it off with a GPS tracker or count your steps into the woods from the most direct route.
Tip #2
No matter how good of a spot you have, don't hunt in the same spot on multiple days. Try to vary your hunting spot to avoid scaring the deer away. During your preseason scouting, mark off several different areas that may be good spots. That way on day 2 and 3, you can have a different spot to hunt from. This will help ensure when you scare them away from spot 1, you can catch them again at spot 2 or 3. Then go back to spot 1 and start again. If you are using a tree stand, move it around. Deer are smarter than you think; they may associate the stand with humans and then you will never see a deer by your stand. Move it daily.
Tip #3
Deer generally move at dusk and early night. You don't want to be fast asleep when this happens. Sleep during the day and hunt at night. This will guarantee you are hunting during their peak movement times. If you look for areas with thick, dense brush you may find them sleeping there, so set up a little ways away from there. Be careful; you do not want to fall asleep. You will not only miss your opportunity but you may be in a very dangerous situation. Falling asleep makes you vulnerable to falling from a tree stand or unaware of other hunters. Also, just because deer move at night does not mean you won't see a deer during the day. They may feed during the day as well.
Tip # 4
When you see your first deer, don't get too excited. Wait a minute and study the surroundings. Look at where the deer may be looking; is there a buck near the doe? Or maybe there is a larger herd of deer. Don't be too quick to pull the trigger. Any little sound could startle the deer so take your time and let your heart settle down. Every hunter's instinct is to take that shot, but calm down, steady yourself, and then take the shot. Make sure your visuals are clear and that no other hunters are in the area. Think: safety first.
Tip #5
To ensure you're prepared and safe, check and double-check your equipment BEFORE entering the woods. Make sure you have everything you need to bag that trophy deer. For safety, always wear at least one blaze orange article of clothing, always use a flashlight when you are moving in the woods in the dark. Hunt in pairs with two-way radios that are only used when in an emergency or when you get the big one. When in a tree stand, you must wear a harness; falling from a tree is the number 2 cause of injury while hunting, second only to getting shot. To be successful, always use a product like Hunters Specialties' Scent Away Deodorizing Soap. This will cover up the human scent found on your body. Check over your gun to ensure no misfires or problems that may arise with your firearm.
Every hunter has their own hunting tips; these are just a few to help you on your way to the big deer kill. Deer hunting can be a family sport and can be fun when safety and common sense are used. Take the time to take a safety course and ask the locals for help. Together, this will guarantee a successful and safe hunting experience.