Target These Major Muscles & Get A Super Vertical Jump Fast

By: Karin Manning

Athletes wanting to increase vertical jump are often stumped about what major muscles they should be focusing all their attention on. This article will dispel all the major muscle myths for a super vertical jump.

In your quest for more height it's critical that major muscle groups are not ignored for the more common muscles focused on in programs.

Here's a brief rundown of the major muscles that you should not be ignoring in your quest for a super jump:

1. Abdominals. Many athletes are surprised at this. However, a standing vertical jump actually uses your abdominals in a very similar way that abs are used in running. Although abdominal crunches are one of the most hated exercises they are important and should never be ignored in your quest for a super jump.

2. Calf muscles. Your calf muscles are critical in giving your jump the power it needs to really reach amazing new heights. There are many calf muscle exercises that can be easily done at home without weights. Such exercises include jump roping (with or without weights), toe raises (with or without weights), and rapid stair climbing.

3. Hamstrings. Of course a lot of focus is always put on the quads, however, as the opposing muscle group hams are really just as important and should not be ignored. It's important that there be as little imbalance in your workout as possible to achieve the best increase as you possibly can.

4. Quads. The quads are the major focus of a lot of workout programs, however, they should never be the only focus. In fact, no part of your body should be the "only" focus as your body is one unit and must operate in harmony within all its muscle groups.

5. Gluts. In fact, the gluts are one of the key exercises and are the key in any jumping activity.

If you want a super vertical jump then I advise you to focus on all major muscle groups to increase your vertical jump. It's important that no muscle group is absolutely ignored and that you work all of these five groups equally.

However, if you feel that one of these muscle groups is, in fact, weaker than another muscle group then to get a leap increase simply go to the gym and do a specific workout that targets only that one muscle group.

With just a little commitment on your part and the right guidance you will be on your way to a substantial increase in no time at all.

If you are serious about increasing your vertical jump you need to find the right program that will meet your needs.

The best program for you will be able to be customized to your own individual and athletic needs and circumstances. Programs customize their workouts differently. One may concentrate on an individual's weaknesses, while another vertical jump program will customize its program through performing repetitious exercise.

The best program will be able to customize your workout precisely according to your needs and not someone else's. It will also be able to individually take into account your weight, your height, your health, your fitness level and ultimately, your vertical jump goal.

It will also offer multiple different training levels. The best vertical jump program will increase your vertical jump strength through both weight training and plyometrics.

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