Do you know what the most important feature is when it comes to a home gym? Your mind may be going over a complete list of answers, from ease of use to flexibility in weight stacks, to a dozen or so other features they can offer. All of these are very good answers and of course the answer will be different for everyone - one person may need a smaller unit while another needs a wide range of features, and so on. But in truth, the most important feature of any home gym is safety for the user. All other features are important but safety needs to come first before all others.
And what does this have to do with hydraulic home gyms? When considering all the important features of these machines, you can probably get all those you need with a hydraulic system.
The Flexibility of a Hydraulic Home Gym
Most hydraulic home gym systems have several features in one. You can easily adjust the bench to go from presses to leg curls; the overhead bar can work for squats for the legs or curls for the triceps and biceps. This means that you don't need an entire system of weights and bars to get a complete workout. Not only are you given a lot of features but you can save a lot of space as well.
The Safety of a Hydraulic Home Gym
However, safety is one of the most important features of any home gym and this is where hydraulics come into play. Many of those who are new with working out make the mistake of overdoing things and adding far too many weights to their stack. They often injure their back and joints. With hydraulics it becomes much harder to add too much weight, and you have the option of adding only a pound at a time, as opposed to weights with pins that are usually in five or ten pound increments. For women, this is an especially helpful and safe feature as it's often better to increase your weights in smaller increments; for most women just two or three extra pounds is enough. On the other hand, those who are more experienced appreciate that a hydraulic home gym also allows them to increase their weight increments by as much as they want.
The movement needed for a hydraulic home gym is often much smoother as well. When your movements are smoother you are less likely to hurt your back or joints; many newcomers have a tendency to jerk the weights or try to force them and this is very dangerous. With a hydraulic home gym system you're more likely to use the weight correctly and protect yourself while still getting an effective workout.