The 7 Hot Properties of Yoga Monster Mat
If you are an exercise enthusiast then you are very familiar with the usual floor mat being used in gyms and even at home for those who are doing home exercises. Yes, it is the yoga mats. A more popular mat today is the Yoga monster mat available in the market today. It is 140% thicker than the common, average yoga mats that most of the exercise enthusiast purchase. It provides you with extra protection and cushion while doing any activity on it. This also gives that extra comfort especially on the ankles, knees and other sensitive bony prominences of the body when doing Yoga and other exercises.
This monster mat may look simple and unpromising at first glance but here are the 7 hot properties that will surely entice you to purchase one or maybe replace your average and old exercise mat.
1. It is extra thick. Usually monster mats are 5/16 inches in thickness and provides for the necessary comfort especially while doing the Yoga. It also protects bony prominences and other parts of the body from injury or strain.
2. Double sided traction surface giving it 2 lives. This gives the mat itself a double life because it renders the mat usable on both sides. Therefore, when the other side is worn out there is still the other side to be used.
3. The mat is inexpensive. Most of those who have purchased monster mat only related satisfaction and value for the money spent on their exercise buddy. The price of monster mats is not far from the price of the average mats in the market today.
4. The monster mat is easy to clean. It can be hand washed thus you do not need those electric washers or read and follow complicated "how to" directions just to clean your monster mat.
5. A monster mat is extra long. It usually has a length of 24 inches by 72 inches useful especially for those tall people this property of your monster mat is really hot. This also comes in handy on those exercises that requires moving forward or backward. With this property, you need not adjust your body to avoid touching the floor.
6. Its thickness is double as compared to the regular mat. Usually thickness is 5/6 inches, which provide for additional comfort while doing your exercises especially the sitting, kneeling and the lying exercises.
7. The mat comes in 5 colors to choose from. Not only that it can aid you in your exercises but you can also express yourself or your mood with the 5 cool colors available.
After learning these properties, you are now assured that your body is protected and cushioned with the use of monster mats. Also, it encourages you to use mats whenever you do your exercises and routines. These are not only for visual purposes but more than that, as illustrated by the 7 points above.