Most of the time when working out, people tend to emphasize more on the upper body and arms. The leg muscles on the other hand usually get lower priority since they are usually covered or some people think they're not important or it's just too hard and people just don't know what exercise they need to do! They often ask themselves if there was only a way to build leg muscles easier!
The following tips can help you do just that. We know that there are many exercises out there for your legs but the following suggestions could help make it easier for you:
1.Make use of correct exercise for the body part.The best exercise overall to improve and build leg muscles is the squat. No other exercise has a better all around effect on the lower body than the squat. There are variations of course on this exercise and all of them when performed correctly increases thighs and leg muscle bulk effectively and fast! This is a relatively easy exercise to do, but you have to be careful and a spotter may be needed for safety and correct performance.
What's more squats also help develop your core and upper body, so it's an all around exercise! Other exercise activities that target specific parts of the legs are:
Leg extensions for your quadriceps (the front of your thigh).Standing leg curls for your hamstrings (the back of your thigh). Calf raises for your lower legs, both back and front (there are variations for this one as well: Donkey calf raises, One leg calf raises, and reverse calf raises to name a few)
2.Go hard on the load but easy on the reps.Since you want to develop leg muscles fast, you might want to increase the weight to a level slightly higher than you're used to but not too heavy as it may hurt you. Doing this with lower reps around the range of 5 to 10 in sets of 2 to 4 with proper rest periods (1-2 mins) in between sets, help prevent or minimize risk injury while maximizing muscle gain at the same time. At such heavy weights overdoing it may be more harmful than good.
3.Keep your muscles alert!Varying your exercise and load helps prevent your muscles from adapting. Muscles easily adapt to stress which explains why you won't gain more mass if you keep using the same exercises or loads. Keep it on its toes and change your load or exercise every two weeks or so.
4.Rest well and eat the good stuff.Get proper sleep, eat healthy and your muscles will thank you for it! Get going! Build your legs, just remember to keep it safe!