(NC)-Summer's here and with it comes beach days, relaxation, family trips and special safety concerns. According to Susan Brunt, a Toronto based family physician, safety starts in your home, which may play host to many types of illness-causing germs and odor-producing bacteria.
"Most people don't realize that germs don't go on vacation during the summer months. If anything, people need to be even more vigilant about maintaining a clean, healthy home and taking basic summer safety precautions," says Dr. Brunt.
Dr. Brunt offers simple safety tips to play it safe this season.
Kill unwelcome guests: bacteria. More people become ill from food-borne bacteria during the summer season than at any other time of the year. One way of getting sick is through cross contamination - or the accidental spread of germs from food to food or from surfaces to food.
Your hands can also spread bacteria to less obvious places, like the refrigerator, door handles, sink faucets and more. Help protect your family from food-borne illness by using an EPA-registered product such as LYSOL? Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner to kill bacteria like E.Coli and Salmonella that cause food-borne illness.Protect children from excessive exposure to the sun, and especially between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. when the sun's rays are strongest. Use sunscreen or sun block with an SPF of 15 or higher. When applying sunscreen or sunblock, pay special attention to exposed parts such as the face, neck, shoulders, back and tops of feet.Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water. Whether at work, camp, or on the go it's important to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.The road to safe traveling requires simple precautions. When it's family vacation time, pack the car with a first-aid kit, non-perishable snacks and water. And for those long road trips, keep a disinfectant product like LYSOL? Sanitizing Wipes on hand. They're a convenient way to wipe away germs that lurk on frequently touched surfaces. They're also handy for food spills and in rest-stop bathroomsFor additional tips on summer safety, call for a free copy of the "Summer Safety - Put Your Family on the Road to a Safe and Healthy Summer" brochure at 1-800-99-LYSOL.