Years ago, China was the knockoff capital of the world. Knockoff products from cheap ladies bags to books to CDs prevailed and were available for pennies on the dollar. Military personnel stationed in Taiwan and Southeast Asia used to laugh about the prices and how you could go broke saving money.
Today, things have changed a little bit. China suppliers still offer a wide variety of cheap knockoff products, but as trade with China increases and American companies begin to
use Chinese manufacturing plants an skilled Chinese labor to produce their products,
including golf bags, the consumer struggles to figure out who is the legitimate manufacturer
and who is producing knockoff products.
Recently, Callaway Golf moved a manufacturingplant in New York State to China. The lost jobs
were skilled labor. Callaway Golf had an interesting rationale for their move. They stated that the market for their products was becoming world wide and they wanted to place some of their manufacturing plants closer to their international buyers. Callaway was not at all concerned about the ability of the Chinese labor force to maintain Callaway's high manufacturing standards.
Callaway is not alone. All the big golf club and golf bag manufacturers, including Taylormade, Ping, Srixon, Titleist, Benetti and many others are already or soon will be manufacturing golf bags in China.
In addition, with the advent of the Internet and our global village, made-in-chinacom is fast becoming a flourishing Internet address.
Entrepreneurs are developing their own golf bag specifications and working with Chinese golf bag manufacturers to produce their own custom golf bag. There is even one golf bag manufacturer in Colorado has designed a golf bag that is also a flexible cooler. The golf bag is made in a Chinese factory, shipped to his Colorado warehouse and is a big seller. You can also buy custom made golf bags complete with logos
However, the knockoff golf bag problem still prevails. Online review after review complains about the poor quality of what the buyer perceived was a name manufacturer's cheap discount golf bag. Some of the counterfeit leaders were China suppliers manufacturing Callaway, Odyssey and Taylor Made golf bags. Unfortunately, there are many golf bag sellers that knowingly purchase counterfeit golf bags from their China factory suppliers and illegally market them as legitimate brand name golf bags at a discount price. The purchaser soon finds that the great online deal was really a cheap discount golf bag that was never made to the brand's specifications.
How does one resolve the dilemma of wanting to get a good discount price on a new or used golf bag during an online shopping spree and making sure the golf bag meets the expected standards?
Shop smart and stay away from eBay. We all love eBay and it has some absolutely great values, but sometimes unscrupulous marketers sneak in and your seemingly simple purchase can become a major hassle.
Want a brand new golf bag that will show off your clubs and jazz up your cart? The best solution is to purchase your golf bags online directly from a reliable online store. Before falling in love with the price, read some reviews, have confidence in the web site. What kind of an online showroom is being presented. The major golf club, ball and equipment manufacturers all have quality web sites and very attractive online showrooms. Is the web site providing helpful information or just selling a product. Are they promoting price price price and not focusing on product information? Do they have any reviews from satisfied customers? Most importantly, how does your gut feel about the online store. If you don't feel quite right, click yourself to another golf bag company web site.
On the other hand, if you want to take a chance, there are cheap golf bags galore. But remember, off line and online, buyer beware.
If you liked this article, you can learn more about different types of golf bags and get discounted prices by visiting
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