It is in acquiring the finishing touches of the ancient art of jiu - jitsu that the student shows whether or not he is naturally fitted for expert work in this art. Women can be very adept when reaching this level of skill. Every feat that the jiu-jitsian performs is based on some natural law, and the extension and perfection of the feat depend upon his or her ability to observe natural laws and to apply them.
For example, when striking downward with an edge-of-the-hand blow the student should discover that the blow is both more easy and more effective if the weight of his body be added to the impulse. Then a little thought will show the jiu-jitsian that by springing slightly off his feet just before landing with his hand the weight of his body will be added to the blow.
After a very little practice the student will find that this knowledge and its application has greatly increased his efficiency. It will then occur to the student that a brisk forward impulse will add to the value of any blow or jab he may use in frontal attack. He must study, now, how to give that forward impulse.
In the same manner he will find out for himself just how to make his weight count for the most when trying to bear down an opponent; and he will learn how to straighten up with the weight of the opponent on his back.
Not many years ago it would have been considered an impertinent idea for a woman to learn the art of combat. However, lately it has become more acceptable. It was in London that women first fell in with the idea of learning jiu-jitsu, and Japanese instructors became suddenly in great demand. The craze quickly crossed the ocean, and in the United States, to-day, there are not a few women who are capable of holding their own in combat with men.
The edge-of-the-hand blow over the jugular is one that is easy of acquirement by women. The hold that is secured by bending the arm up behind the back is another feat that should be practised by women. Many of the applications of "bending the arm the wrong way" are of especial value to women who do not think it beneath their dignity to be able to defend themselves at a pinch. And every woman who feels the slightest interest in the subject should persuade herself to practise repeatedly at the trick of stopping and catching an assailant's fist and of "breaking" the attacking arm over her shoulder.
And especially effective for women are the jabs that may be delivered with either elbow in the short ribs of an opponent, or in the soft parts just below. If a woman is annoyed by a fellow who steps up to her side in a crowded street it does not come amiss to know how to give him an effective elbow jab in the solar plexus or in the abdomen. The woman who can do this neatly will save herself from further annoyance.
With some practice any woman of ordinary strength can acquire the knack of seizing and holding a man. She can take him quite unawares and render him helpless without the outlay of much exertion. She must, however, look out that he does not succeed in kicking back with his heel, and, if he does try it, she must be prepared to strike or to choke with her right hand, which may be spared for the purpose.
Thus it can be seen that jiu - jitsu is an excellent system of self-defense for women. It would be great if more women learned this ancient craft.