Gajanand Rajput, The Indian Shaolin Warrior Disciple

By: gbrajput

Dr. Gajanand B. Rajput, Founder of the Martial Arts Authority of India, was born on November 28th 1978 in Sabarmati Area, in Ahmedabad City. He is a true Worrier By Cast ( Kshatriya). He is son of the Shri Bhagwat Mulchand Rajput & Shreemati Jankidevi. He is the second child of the Rajput Family. He has one brother and two sisters.

Gajanand Rajput is the Founding Master of The Martial Arts Authority of India and Wushu KungFu Federation of India. He possesses over 15 years of experience in the field of martial arts of which over 10 years were spent in Traditional Chinese Martial Arts. He began practicing martial arts in 1992 under the guidance of Sifu Lucky N. Chan Thakuri in San Bu Shu...In 1993, he had the chance to perfect his Chinese Martial Arts under the guidance of Central Wushu Guan of Nepal Wushu Association with Master, Ramgopal Mahajan, Chandralama, and Very Famous Master Pranil Dhoj Karki, Chief Coach and Founder of Nepal Wushu Association...

Later, he studied Wushu under Master Vimal Thapa and Rajkumar Thapa, Karate in which he obtained his black belt in 1996. That same year, he began studying traditional Gong Fu. He then had the privilege of studying Chang quan, Nan Quan, Tilu, Ti Er Lu, Sanshou, Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan, Dao, Gun, and Yoga...

In 2006, he received the honour of being invited for Two Years to China, more precisely at the Shaolin Monastery. He consequently perfected himself with Monks Shi Xing Wang, and of course, Master Shi Yan Lu. During a Buddhist ceremony at the Monastary, Gajanand Rajput received his official Shaolin Monk name of Shi Heng Chang... He is the only and first Indian who received this honour to be a 35th generation Shaolin Disciple.

Dr.Gajanand B. Rajput married to Maharashtriyan Girl Kamini Rajput on 30th April 2005, a native of Jalgaon City, Maharashtra State, India.

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