Do your Beliefs Prevent you From Losing Weight?

By: Tina White

Making healthy choices and becoming more active are important when starting a weight loss program and trying to improve your health and fitness. However, your beliefs are just as important because this is what actually determines what actions you are going to take. If you are trying to lose weight, it will be helpful for you to examine the beliefs that may have made it difficult for you lose weight. The following four factors are commonly held beliefs that many people have. Take a moment to think about what you feel has contributed to your current weight and fitness challenges.

Genetics - Do you feel you have inherited your weight problems from your genes? Do you have overweight family members and feel you might be doomed to the same fate? Has this belief caused you to give up or have feelings of helplessness when it comes to your weight?

Environment - Do you feel your challenges are caused by your lifestyle or environment such as working hours, family priorities or frequent exposure to unhealthy food choices? Do you feel that your hectic lifestyle prevents you from making healthy food choices or finding time to exercise? Has this belief caused you to feel like you have no control over your environment and the challenges it presents?

Knowledge - Do you feel you just do not have the right information and are unsure of what you should be doing to lose weight? The magazines say one thing, the television tells you another and you just don't know what to do? Do you feel so confused about what a healthy diet is and how to achieve an active lifestyle that you it prevents you from reaching your goals?

Motivation - Do you have trouble getting motivated to reach your weight loss goals? Have certain past actions and experiences affected your motivation? For example, feeling pessimistic about your ability to lose weight because of past failed attempts? Do you have defeated thoughts that your situation will never change and you will always struggle with your weight?

The good news is that besides your genes, you have total control over changing your beliefs and taking action to achieve your weight loss goals. Changing your beliefs allows you to change your behavior to address your weight and fitness and challenges. You cannot control what natural traits you were born with but you can control what you eat and the activity you do. If you can start to believe in your ability to change the things that are clearly within your control, you can succeed in managing your weight and improving your fitness level. Make a commitment today, believe in yourself and you will get there!

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