How Physical Appearance ImpactsYour Daily Life

By: Amy Nutt

Looking good can make you feel good. But it goes beyond that. We all want to live the best life possible. We want to be happy, healthy and prosperous. Want to have financial success, find the best mates, have good friends, active social lives and be respected by our peers.

Sure, there are more than a few ways to reach all of those lofty goals. But feeling good about your appearance is one way that will put you on the fast track to anything you hope to achieve.

Feeling good about your appearance is about more than being good-looking in the conventional sense. After all, how many people are there who just about anybody would say look great, but who hate the way they look? Many attractive people have no self-confidence and resort to eating disorders, depression, drug addiction and other destructive behaviors.

The ultimate answer is that feeling good about your appearance comes from within. When you can look in the mirror and tell yourself you look fantastic, that you are attractive, confident and ready to face the world, then you will go out into life fully prepared for the most difficult challenges. You will have a strong sense of self, and be able to navigate the perilous and obstacle-ridden path toward your goals. You will proceed purposefully, without stopping to worry about being judged or looked down upon for your appearance.

When you take care of yourself and present yourself well, doors will open for you. You will see more success finding a job. Once you're employed you'll move up the ladder faster. You'll get more dates and attract the interest of better-looking, smarter and more successful people. You'll have as many friends as you could ask for, and your schedule will fill up.

Conversely, if you don't feel good about your appearance, life will become more difficult. Whether or not anyone else agrees with you, if you walk through life thinking you look terrible, you will struggle to succeed.

You will have a harder time attracting mates because you won't have the confidence to project your qualities out to the world. You will be shy about approaching members of the opposite sex, because you've already defeated yourself in your own mind. People might think, Wow, that person is dynamite, but be put off when you show your lack of appreciation for yourself. You will struggle to get a job and have a hard time working your way up the ladder. You will be lonely for friendships.

Again, I'm not saying every person has to look like a model and start with uncontrollable weight loss diets. But I firmly believe that a huge step everyone should take in their lives is to find a way to believe they look good. And that can mean anything, from expensive haircuts to cheap baseball hats. For some, looking good might mean buying 500 dollar suits and driving a luxury car. For others it might mean jogging three times a week and wearing Converse All Stars.

No one should be able to tell you what you need to feel good about your appearance but yourself. If you don't like what you see in the mirror, then make positive changes until you do. You have everything to gain.

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