One of the most important secrets of weight loss success is good planning. Every successful venture in life gets better results with good planning. This also applies to your campaign to lose weight. If you put a little planning into your weight loss program before you start it will be much easier to realise your weight loss goals. If you are overweight, it is always recommended to seek professional advice before starting on any weight loss program so that you do not put your health at risk. In any case it always pays to get support where possible from professionals and even enlisting the support of your friends and family to help you with your goal to lose weight.
The first step is to determine how much weight you want to lose. You must have a solid, SMART goal in mind.
Stand in front of a mirror and look at your body while visualizing how you want it to look. It is also a good idea to take a photo of your body at the start of your weight loss program as we often forget the progress we make and looking back can be handy to offer encouragement at times when you feel like the going might be a little difficult. Put this photo in your diary.
Most successful people know that setting SMART goals is one of the most important parts of achieving success. This applies to almost everything in life including your ability to successfully lose weight.
SMART goals are Realistic and you need to believe that you can achieve them or you will be starting off on the wrong foot and failure will be unavoidable. A goal needs have a start date and an end date. To make your goal achievable you need to look at it over an extended period of Time rather than believing that you can lose 15 pounds in a couple of weeks.
While this might be possible it is certainly a lot harder to achieve than to expect to lose that weight over the course of several months.
A goal needs to be Measurable. How many kilos do you want to lose? Be Specific. How are you going to lose these kilos? Define an Action plan. Which diet? What form of exercise? How often, for how long and where?
Keeping a diary helps a lot of people to achieve their goals. It is somewhere you can note and date your goals, record your current weight, the food you are eating, design your action plan, keep tabs on your progress, write down your feelings and discover unhealthy eating patterns not obvious before. A diary helps to enforce the actions that are required to meet your goals on a daily basis.
This helps you to review your goals and make changes to your fitness and nutrition plans as things change in the course of your weight loss program.
Within any major goal there should also be short-term step-by-step goals and once again these need to be realistic to keep you motivated. Remember to acknowledge your victories, however small, and reward yourself when you achieve a goal post along the way.
Note all these small achievements in your diary, so that you have something to cheer you up should you reach the dreaded plateau...
Sometimes you WILL plateau for a while. Your weight loss slows down or even stops. Having a diary means you will be able to celebrate your success so far and figure out what you can change to get over that plateau and continue your progress.
Setting SMART goals and recording your progress in a diary are two of the most precious secrets of weight loss success.