The basic philosophy behind Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a pretty simple, yet powerful way of taking the food you eat and using it to burn calories and fat. It's called shifting calories, but how does it help you lose weight?
Have you ever wondered why you often lose several pounds during the first week or two of most any diet plan? Of course, most of it is water weight in many cases, but it is also due to eating fewer carbs or calories.
After a week or two though, something happens. Your body begins to adjust to the new eating habits and consequently, the weight doesn't come off like it did before.
What makes the Idiot Proof Diet Plan from Fat Loss 4 Idiots different from other diets is that it rotates the foods you eat and causes your body's metabolism to burn fat.
It's about eating the right foods in the right amount and at the right time. When you get this combination correct you will cause your metabolism to become a fat burning furnace so to speak. Instead of your body becoming use to what you are eating and at what time, you are shifting things around.
Of course, there is more to this and Fat Loss 4 Idiots explains it in great detail with actual examples along with tips to get the most out of it.
Does shifting calories help you lose weight? It has for me as well as thousands of others who have been on the plan. So I would say it is a good way to eat the foods you enjoy, but lose the weight you want to get rid of.