It is important to understand the concept of metabolic individuality before beginning on an endeavor into the infinite world of net-based weight loss programs. Most men and women seeking the ultimate weight loss plan jump the gun and embark upon an endless and futile journey with what they believe to be the most popular health plan; it worked for the professionals, so it will work for me, RIGHT? WRONG! If you believe that proven results ensure your personal success then you are mistaken. As stated by Dr. Michael Colgan, author of Optimum Sports Nutrition, "As part of biochemical individuality, people differ widely in their inherited tendencies to accumulate body fat." This means that, unless we find a curriculum allowing us to manipulate health and fitness habits to benefit our particular body types, we're eliminating the opportunity to realize our body's true potential. Another risk related to standard weigh-loss courses is the potential to damage the body due to strenuous diet and exercise requirements causing shock to our bodies. Of course it is important to LOOK healthy, but our ultimate goal should be to BE healthy on the inside and out. Depriving our bodies of nutrients and pushing fitness regimes to the max are only doing more harm than good, so remember this as you continue to search for a health program that suits YOU.
There are very few courses taking metabolic individuality and inner health into consideration, but if you take the time to look they are there. Here is a Review on a personalised fitness program I have used and found to be exetremely successful, in my endevour to lose excess fat the healthy way. I hope this helps many of you.
This is a REVIEW on a great fitness program, CHECK IT OUT