Increasing weight has become today a serious disease to worry about. And, there are many diet pills available in market, guaranteeing people to cut their flab off instantly. Adipex, being a very popular diet medicine, cures obese people of their fat very effectively.
Adipex diet pill contains 30 mg of Phentermine HCl, and is one of the first drugs to be approved for obesity in the 1950's. This weight loss drug belongs to the class of noradrenergic stimulants that control hunger which is also called as anorexiants. Adipex diet pill works by stimulating the hypothalamus gland which affects certain neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters decrease appetite in body and make one eat less.
Gaining the best result of Adipex pill's effect can be extracted through right combination of diet and exercise. This pill is used as short term treatment of obesity. As this pill is prescription based medicine, doctor's consultation is always necessary before using it.
Adipex diet drug comes in tablets form. It should be taken as a single daily dose in the morning or three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. No need to worry if any dose is missed. Missed dose can be taken as soon as one remembers it. One must refrain taking a double dose of Adipex to make up for a missed one. It may cause some health disorder.
Some side effects, like sleeplessness, constipation and other stomach upset, dry mouth, irritability, etc may be caused by Adipex diet pill. But, taking precautions can save one from any health disorder while taking this pill. Adipex diet drug is not advisable for patients with co-existing diseases like advanced arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and moderate to severe hypertension, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma and known allergy to sympathomimetic drugs.
Positive effects of taking Adipex diet pill are very helpful in putting obese people out of any embarrassment. It helps people with extra fat in keeping them slim and trim with a suitable body.