Love Your Car and Insure It!

By: Jon Caldwell

Drivers for Savings, a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers, joined business, community and law enforcement leaders at the Detroit Urban League on April 28 this year. They aim to pass reforms to Michigan's no-fault insurance law that enables drivers to choose the level of Personal Injury Protection coverage they are required to purchase. This is good news for those in Michigan since they are already feeling the burden of skyrocekting prices in food and gas. Under. the Drivers for Savings legislation, policy holders can choose between $50,000 up to $40,000 worth of PIP or retain their current unlimited coverage. If they don't choose, they retain unlimited coverage.

Breaking news from Zurich Insurance: during the last 3 years, 10 million British people had faced abuse both physical and verbal while driving their vehicles. One in seven was pursued by another driver and one in ten got into a confrontation with an angry motorist. 34% was in the receiving end of such abuse while 64% showed aggressive behavior to other motorists while driving. 77% believed that what they did was okay. However these figures only point out tone thing: driving riskily is very common among motorists and this puts both car and life insurance premiums in danger. To prevent this, motorists are advised to keep their car doors locked, avoid making eye contact with angry drivers and maintain calm at all times.

Esure, an on-line insurance company, announced the findings of a report done by Geoff Beattie, a university professor in Manchester: cave man instinct is manifested in the way men drive their cars. This behavior is caused by men's prehistoric survival instincts as hunters and fighters and manifests as the need to drive fast, show off and fight against other car drivers. Mike Pickard, head of risk and underwriting at esure comments, "This report makes a very clear point. It is not just about skills or enforcement but about teaching young men in particular to overcome natural instincts that have evolved to enjoy speed, danger, risk-taking and showing off. It was fine for cavemen but not for the modern car driver." Thus it is expected that car insurance premiums will cost more than that of women.

Progressive Group of Companies, an auto insurance group, will plant more than a quarter of a million trees in U.S. National Forests as a sign of gratitude to its customers. Also, Progressive began this month of April to offer discounts to customers to go paperless. Customers can choose to enroll in the company's Paperless Policy option and receive bills and policy documents electronically. If they do, Progressive will plant a tree for them in cooperation with Arbor Day Foundation, a group dedicated to planting trees. Currently, the program is available in Colorado, but more states are adopting this as well.

News from Motorpoint: a 20 mph speed limit to be carried out in the city would be welcomed by 12 million people. This is based from their surveys demonstrating that two in five drivers would accept the limit, which was proposed by the Parliamentary Council for Transport Safety last year. This news came as a surprise to most people because the original limit proposed was 30 mph. First to accept this rule was Postmouth and more are considering the concept. This is good news drivers and pedestrians all over the nation because this would prevent accidents from happening at both sides.

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