Will Gas Prices Stop Camping

By: Brenda Williams

Gas prices continued to rise again today as oil hit record high today on the first day of a long weekend. There are millions of people traveling out to their cottages this weekend and with gas costs running high it's strange that not many people would rather stay in over paying high gas prices. The cost to have fun is becoming highly unmanageable for some and it could pose a threat in the next few years as gas continues to rise and people continue not receiving raises. Most people don't have cottages either and instead they have a big trailer with a big truck that has to haul to trailer, and this causes for some unreal gas pump prices. It's estimated that with the current gas prices that a truck pulling a trailer is costing roughly $120 per fill-up. Now if you realize also how much gas is being burned due to having such a heavy load then you'll realize that one trip could entail four or five fill-ups of $120. This is a mortgage payment for some people and this is the cost people are going to be seeing all summer long.

Now I know the enthusiasts won't be staying inside and away from their trailers and friends but I'm sure the high gas prices has ruined the idea for younger couples and families to enjoy the outdoors. There are enough costs to worry about and many people simply can't afford a couple hundred dollars in gas on a weekend trip to the cottage country.

Reports have shown that the highways and stores have been busy like usual for this first day of the first long weekend in the summer and it seems most are willing to part with the cash for fun in the sun. I'll still enjoy the camping life this summer but I will be ensuring that my trips remain close to home so that I can conserve on the gas costs as much as possible. It's recommended that you should remain close to your home this summer due to high gas prices. The closer you stay the less you'll spend on gas and the better off you'll be.

RV's are even worse on gas then trucks pulling trailers and you can bet that they will be feeling the gas prices as well this summer and I doubt well see as many of them as the summer goes on, but today reports all over show that RV's are being rented at a steady pace and they expect it to follow through into tomorrow where a lot of people will be travelling in the morning looking for rentals as well. Businesses can only be optimistic about the gas prices and hope that it doesn't keep the consumer indoors at home this year, but early signs show the gas prices haven't bottomed out this dedicated group of individuals. Boats may also be scarce this year with the gas prices so high and more people may be paddling around the lakes rather then booting around in an engine.

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