Before you finally decide on what car to buy, or if you have already picked that car that best suits your needs and your lifestyle, here still are some of the useful tips you may want to keep in mind to help you save car money:
Do not buy large cars. Unless it is necessary, it is better still to have a smaller car that is not costly to maintain. Even if a large sports utility vehicle is your dream car, it's probably a lot more than you really need. The size of the car you decide to purchase will have a direct effect on its operating costs. Purchasing the smallest car possible for your driving needs will save you a tremendous amount in gasoline charges. Small cars weigh about half as much as larger cars which results in about half as much fuel being used.
Do not gas up in the heat of the day. According to some chemistry, it is best to buy your gasoline in the early morning or at night when it is cold outside. Gas becomes denser in cooler temperatures. Since gas pumps only measure the volume of fuel - not the density - you'll get better overall gas mileage for your money by purchasing fuel when it's cool outside rather than in the heat of the day.
Do not use your car, unless necessary. By far, the best way to reduce your car expenses is to use your car only when necessary. Cars are extremely convenient and this causes people to use them much more often than they really need to. Just ask your self, "Is this trip really necessary?" If you become wise and smart enough in deciding on your trips, you will surely save a great deal of cash.
Do not take your car tires for granted. Always take some time to check your car's tire pressure each month or every time you do long trips. Under inflated tires reduce fuel efficiency by 2% for every pound they are under inflated. Under inflation also causes premature tire wear giving your tires a shorter use life.
Do not drive fast in low gears. Driving at high speeds in the improper gear can reduce fuel efficiency by up to 40%.
Don't open windows when traveling at high speeds. Driving on the highway with windows open can reduce fuel efficiency by 10%. It is a lot better if you just use the ventilation system of your car. Also use cruise control to maintain a steady pace on the highway to increase fuel economy.
Don't let your car idle for long periods. The rule is, never leave your car idle for more than 30 seconds. If you think you will stay longer, better turn your engine off. Letting your car idle longer is a waste of gas. It is actually more efficient to turn off your car and turn it on again than to let it idle for more than 45 seconds while waiting.