You can locate advertisements for auto shippers in various different places including your local paper, phone book or by searching the web. You can ask a friend or colleague if they have any suggestions or a particular company in mind. Your moving company can come in handy if you are searching for an auto transporter. Moving companies are known for offering recommendations seeing as that they generally have partnerships with various transporting businesses. Inquire with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) about any complaints made against the auto transporter you have selected. Also check out consumer reviews online on a particular company. Auto transport companies usually have various terminals throughout different states.
This way customer's can pick up and drop off their vehicles without traveling long distances. Ensure that the necessary route for pickup or delivery can be accessed by the truck. Shipping carriers usually have difficulty maneuvering down narrow roads or dead end streets. Always consider large parking lot or a terminal as alternative location for pick up or delivery. Do not rush to decide on a car transporter. Shop around and compare prices. Don't always assume cheaper prices are better. If the offer seems too good to be true, it most likely is. You should always review the Bill of Lading with your driver to ensure that you understand the term and conditions. According to the law, leaving items in your vehicle while it is being transported is not permitted. Only items necessary for your vehicle to function, such as spare tires or tools are allowed. If you happen to leave goods in the trunk and they become damaged, your insurance will most likely not offer coverage. Ship Any Car, LLC provides quality auto transportation services nationwide. Fully insured and licensed by the United States Department of Transportation, we offer competitive rates, friendly customer service and an outstanding record of satisfaction.