Toyota Corolla Parts and the Success of Its Overall Package

By: Glady Reign

In the current American product inventory of Toyota, one of the world's largest automakers, the Corolla model is the oldest. Aside from being the first car that Toyota manufactured in the United States, with over 30 million Corolla units sold worldwide, it is also the most popular among the company's car lines. It is only a small family car, but it has enjoyed worldwide popularity because of the reliability of Toyota Corolla parts and their exceptional engineering that solidified the conventions in automobile manufacture. Its standard components and the Toyota Corolla parts accessories that go with the basic assembly are manufactured not only in the United States but in around 140 countries all over the globe-including Canada, India, South Africa, Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. The company now offers the tenth generation of the renowned make, and statistical data says that a new Toyota Corolla gets purchased every 23.2 seconds.

When it was introduced in the United States in 1968, two years after its debut in Japan, the Corolla was marketed as a convenient combination of quality, style, and affordability. After a couple of years, the car ranked as the second bestselling imported automobile in America. Consistent with the designs of the company's other sedans, the are assembled to form a higher trunk line and a relatively long wheel base compared to other compact cars. The Toyota Corolla parts accessories like the headlights and tail lights are shaped to match the car's smooth curves.

The Corolla has had a number of rebadged versions like the Australian Holden Nova of the 1980's and the American Geo Prism. What remains the same, however, is the distinct quality of the various Toyota Corolla parts that have endured the test of time through continuous remodeling. If one were to point out the particular reason for the success of this car, one can only wonder and realize that it is, as how it was marketed back in 1968, really in the whole package. As it is even enhanced with the most elegant Toyota Corolla parts accessories, one cannot but understand the Corolla's astonishing sales.

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