Know the road signs
If you notice, 'Highway Code and road signs' has maximum number of questions. And comparatively it is very easy to score in this area. You can also read supplementary 'highway rules and road signs, This would help you memorise the theory test questions.
This section would be helpful for your practical exam preparation as well. The Highway Code is the official government guidance on correct road usage for all.
-All the most important road signs and road markings.
-The most up-to-date advice on road safety and smmarises the laws.
Click here to access 'Highway Code' absolutely for free
Wish that you pass with flying colours !
Practical Exam - Show me tell me question
Q: Show me how you would check that the headlights & tail lights are working.
A: Operate switch (turn on ignition if necessary), walk round vehicle.!
The cost of theory test exam is ?21.50 So why take a chance? Buy any pay package and pass at first attempt. Access over 40 online hazard perception clips.
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